A gang find out the hard way that the siblings they kidnapped are to much for them. When the sister accidently dies, this sets her brother off. While looking threw the brother's car, they find missing celebrity Emma Moon.
She tried to worn them but...
"What is this?" Mike asked seeing Flynn driving up in a old car with a new silver trailer attached to it. "Got it from the new people from the bar. Tatum is getting everything we need from them right now." Flynn said.
"First you kill an entire family and now your kidnapping tourists?" Mike asked angry. "Hey he was calling the police and I acted to save our asses! Plus these people are fucking rich. We just need the info for their money. Then we get rid of the guy keeping the girl." Flynn said with a shrug at the last part.
"I don't like that you dragged my brother into your schemes. If this comes back to bite us in the ass again, I will fucking end you." Mike growled in Flynn's face. "Go search the fucking car." He said walking back inside.
Flynn glared at the older man's back before going to do as told.
He opened the trunk of the car and looked threw the files in the car, he took the box of files out and noticed something. The fabric of the trunk was lose and he saw metal under it.
Flynn took the fabric and moved it back. There was four small holes in it. He went to take a closer look at it and jumped back when green eyes looked at him.
"Holy shit!" He shouted. He opened the now noticeable door. Their laid someone that looked somewhat familiar. But he couldn't place where from.
She jumped out and went running. "Hey!" He shouted grabbing her. She screamed threw the fabric taped over her mouth and kicked to get free. Her pale wrists were tied behind her back with zip tied.
"Flynn what the fuck is going on out here?" Tamara shouted walking out of the cabin. "Holy shit!" She unknowingly copied Flynn's own words form earlier. She ran over as Flynn walked over with the struggling girl in his arms.
"Found her in the trunk." He said. Tamara walked over. "Hey hey hey, calm down. I'm going to take this off." She said reaching for the fabric over the girl's mouth. The said girl panted, but nodded.
The moment the fabric was off the terrified girl she bit Flynn's hand and when he let her go in pain she went off again.
But she froze hearing the click of a gun.
"Turn around and get inside bitch." Flynn growled angrily. "You need to let me go. He's coming for me." She said. "I said get inside." He said. She turned around and walked inside. "This is a mistake." She said.
Flynn had her sit. "Who are you?" He asked. She looked at him blankly. "You're all going to die." She said. "What was with all the screaming about?" Mike asked coming into the living room.
"Found this bitch in the trunk of the car I brought in." Flynn told his boss. Mike looked the young girl over. She looked to be his own daughter's age. Maybe a bit younger.
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"What's your name sweetie?" He asked her. She just looked at him blankly. "Are they dead? Please tell me their dead. Or at least he is." She begged them looking at the three in front of her.
"My brother is questioning them right now. For their banking things." Mike told her. She looked sick, shaking her head. "You wont get it... he's dead." She whispered looking down at the table. Mike shook his head. "You don't know my brother." He said. She looked at him. "And now I never will." She said.
Amber walked out into the room with her boyfriend, Danny, to see what the screaming was all about. "Oh my God. Emma Moon." Amber said in shock, looking at the filthy blond on the couch.
"You know this girl?" Mike asked his daughter. She nodded, then turned the tv on. "She's an actress and the lead singer of my favorite band Plush." She said turning a recording on their tv.
"'The search for the killer who slayed of thirteen collage students last year. The only survivor is actress/singer Emma Diana Moon. Singer of the punk band Plush. She was traveling with school friends to celebrate their graduation that happened a few days before the slaying. Sources have found the words Emma's Alive, carved into a tree. Showing that she was hung upside down when she carved it into the said tree. It was made approximately four months ago. '"
There was graphic but blurred crime scene pictures of the murdered people in their hotel rooms. But in Emma's mind, she saw them as if she was looking at the rooms once again. She closed her eyes as tears filled them.
She could feel them now looking at her as the show said that there was a very high reward for her safe return.
"Go get Tatum on the radio to kill them and get his ass back here." Mike said. Emma shook her head no again. "You wont get to him. He killed him." She said as Amber walked away to do as her father told her.
The others looked at her. "Her wrists are bleeding from the twist ties." Tamara said, pulling out a switch blade. "You try to run I will stop you." Tamara said. Emma looked at her blankly and then looked foreword, leaning foreword so the other woman can free her wrists.
Tamara cut the girl free. "We aren't going to hurt you but will if we need to." Tamara said backing away. Emma just sat there not moving, her eyes blank.
The dying screams of her friends still playing in her head.
"He's not answering." Amber said coming back. "Keep trying." Mike said. "I have been." She replied. Emma looked over at him, with an 'I told you' look.
"Tamara. Take Danny Boy to go get Tatum and kill the other two." Mike said. Tamara nodded taking the younger boy with her.