A gang find out the hard way that the siblings they kidnapped are to much for them. When the sister accidently dies, this sets her brother off. While looking threw the brother's car, they find missing celebrity Emma Moon.
She tried to worn them but...
Emma looked at Flynn as he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could the door was knocked on.
"County sheriff open up please." The person behind the door said. Emma looked at Flynn, wondering what he will do now.
She got her answer when he pulled a gun on her and grabbed her. "Not a word." He whispered harshly at her he walked to the door and had her hide behind the door.
He cracked the door open a bit to look out. "Yes?" He greeted the sheriff at the door. Emma watched and listened carefully to what was going on. She could still feel the cold steel of the gun that was hidden in her pants.
"Hi sir. I'm so sorry to bother you so late but the owner of the place, recalls someone else checking in with the same credit card you used to check in. I just need to get your information and we can get this whole thing settled." The officer said.
Emma grinned at Flynn. He was caught.
Flynn looked at Emma before he looked back at the cop. "Of course." He said. Emma reached behind her slowly so he wouldn't see, reaching for the gun. But she froze when Flynn brought his gun up and pressed it to the door, then pulling the trigger.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion to Emma. She could see the smoke cloud of the gun powder form and fall to the ground. She could hear the sound of the sheriff's body hitting the ground. She stopped going for the gun.
"Tamara! Lets go!" Flynn shouted, roughly grabbing Emma by the arm and dragging her to the bathroom. He threw the bathroom door open and the two froze.
Tamara was strung up. left hanging seemingly dead.
He found them, was the first thing that appeared into both Flynn and Emma's mind at the same time.
Tamera gasped and jerked her head up, terrifying the other two, and on instinct, Flynn shot her in the head. "Fuck!" He shouted seeing what he just did.
Emma was in shock. But she quickly got over the shock and ran for it.
"You bitch! Get back here!" Flynn shouted running after her. She heard his gun and froze turning to look at him. She rather him shoot here on the spot then be in either his or Isaac's grasp.
He opened his mouth to give her orders but the sound of tires screeching made them turn to look to see what was going on.
Before either Flynn or Emma could react, the sheriff's ran into Flynn, sending him flying. He never got back up.
Emma shook as she looked at the driver in the car.
It was him.
He turned to look at her. Lust and controlled anger in his cold eyes.
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On her own instincts she pulled the gun out of her pants and aimed it at him. His eyes widened as he saw her pull it out.
She started screaming as she started firing at him. He ducked out of the car, using the car as a shield from the bullets fired at him. His little minx needed another lesson on who she belonged to.
When the bullets stopped coming out of her weapon she shook with adrenalin. She saw that she had run out of bullets. She threw the gun away and went running.
She didn't know where she was going. She just knew that she had to keep going. That he was following her, and if she stopped she would be caught.
She knew that she wouldn't be able to keep going. She had to find another weapon. She needed something to protect herself. She needed something to fight back with.
She wasn't going to be back in his grasp again. Not without a fight.
Just a bit more to go. Almost to the end. Maybe one or two more chapters left till the end.