Chapter 10

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It had been a week since Ashton had trusted me so much as to breakdown and tell me about his best friend and what happened with Calum. Since then we have been closer than ever which was good, I suppose I really liked the thought of Ashton being my best friend and even more that he was a guy . Sure I had some guy friends back home but I was never close with them like I am with Ashton, I really liked the feeling.

It was Friday night and Ashton, Caitlin and Michael had just left my house I've hung out with them almost everyday since being off school, we had food, movies and gossiped. Caitlin was updating us on pretty much everyone in our year and what they had been doing with their lives over Halloween break.

I made my way up to my bedroom after bidding them goodnight and shutting my front door. I lay down on my bed, not even bothering to change yet. My phone began to ring I laughed before looking to see who it was, guessing it was most likely Caitlin telling me she forgot something, she was so clumsy and forgetful sometimes.

My laugh slowly ceased as I was about to answer when I saw the name Calum flash on my phone. I didn't want to answer, after what Ashton had said I promised myself I wouldn't speak to him again, he kept phoning and texting me throughout the week but I kept ignoring him, he was starting to piss me off to be honest. Without thinking I answered the phone to tell him to leave me alone.

"Finally, you answered"

"What do you want Calum?"

"To talk? you've been ignoring about we go to the beach?" He sounded quite concerned on why I had been ignoring him, I didn't want to go to the beach with him, the though of him and what he had done disgusted me. I wanted to scream at him, find out why the hell he could be alright with hurting someone like that and why he didn't tell me. I needed answers.

"umm, okay. I'll meet you there in 15 minutes" I answered bluntly before hanging up, not giving him a chance to reply.

I swear to myself this will be the last time I ever speak to Calum, I don't want to hurt Ashton, he was my best friend and I made a promise to myself. I was going to get my answers and say what I have to say then leave, leave Calum and get on with my life.


"Hey, its good to see you" Calum said while bringing me in for a hug, I'll admit he smelt good.

"Listen, I spoke to Ashton I know exactly what happened..." I blurted out quicker than I should have before continuing. "how could be so spiteful? and against your girlfriend, I can't get my head around how crewl you were to her-"

"What you think I can?" he interrupted me before continuing. "You think I don't regret everything I done that day? You don't think I've tried to apologize? You heard one side of the story so stop being a judgmental bitch."

I gasped at how shocked I was at what he had just called me and the tone he had spoke to me in, this was a side to Calum I've never saw. "Go on then" I said while sitting on the sand, tapping the sand beside me, gesturing him to sit beside me. I was mad, sure but I wasn't one to show it, and he was right. I wanted to know his side of the story.

He sat down beside me and started to talk. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" "its okay, your angry I understand, I shouldn't have just blabbed all that out" I assured him to carry on.

"ehh...anyway. I was having a bad day, you know? Me and Katy had an argument not long before she went off with Ashton and Mikey and I went off with my 'more popular' friends. We needed time to cool off from each other. I got drunk way too quickly I was mad at Katy and that girl was just there so I made out with her, I said things to Katy I shouldn't have and I certainly didn't mean. I don't know what I was thinking or why I done it, I've tried so many times apologize to Katy, she didn't want to listen and it hurt really did I loved her, so much." He trailed off again only because like Ashton he was starting to cry. I felt really bad for him.

"Then I found out that know and I tried to see her, I tried to visit the hospital, I done everything to try and see her. I would even ask Ashton how she was but he wouldn't talk to me..."

"Calum, I'm so sorry..." was all I could bring myself to say, because to be honest I wasn't one to be able to sort situations like this out, sure I didn't mind when people came to me with their problems, I'd be there for anyone if they needed me. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but feel sorry for Calum.

"You don't need to be, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's but mine. I'm not one bit angry at Ashton, he warned me about my new friends and I didn't listen and now I guess I don't really have anyone, I don't want to be with the people that made me a dick and I loose the people that mattered most to me. That was my own fault and I fucked up, I fucked up big time...The only person I have is Tyler, the only person I have left I guess...but I've changed, I promise I've changed. I'm trying to get back to my old self, I don't want to put anyone through what I put Katy through"

I felt a big lump in my throat I wanted to cry at this point, but I couldn't. I felt so god damn bad for Calum, and I know its rude to think but it was his fault, he brought this all on himself. Why do I even feel bad for him? He changed? honestly I wasn't one to hold grudges and I wanted to give Calum I chance, I know I shouldn't but I really wanted too. I wanted him to prove to me that he has in fact 'changed'.

" have me, that is if you'll have a friend of course. You have to prove to me that you have changed though Calum. I'm willing to give you a chance, so you have to work with me on that okay?"

I have no idea why I was saying or doing this, I just didn't like giving up on people so quickly but then again I don't like getting to close with people like Calum either.

"r-really?" He sobbed while giving me another hug. "Ella, I'll prove to you. I promise"

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