Dragon's Love

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"No!" I cried, shutting the door to my room and locking it. I walked over to my bed and screamed into one of my pillows.

My dad bursted in a couple minutes later, my head still in the pillow.

"Listen, young lady," he said, coming to stand next to my bed, "You're going to marry Prince Griffith to save this kingdom if it is the last thing you do!"

I growled, throwing a pillow at him as he walked away, but I missed and it hit the wall. I screamed and shoved my face into another pillow, thinking about what was to happen. I was only 17 and my dad already wanted me to get married! I never wanted to get married to a guy.

I looked around my blue room, a plan already coming together as I began to tie blankets together. After about five minutes, I had made a semi-functional rope. I tied one end to my bed post and threw the other one out the window. I never looked back.

I found myself in the woods on the outskirts of the kingdom. It was rather dark, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from my family.

I soon found out that running away was a lot more complicated than I thought. The food I had brought with me didn't last for very long, and I had no way to purify any water I found. My light brown hair kept getting caught in the low-hanging branches of trees, so I cut it a little shorter with my small dagger. The bushes kept scratching at my ankles, making them bleed a little, so I had to cut off the hem of my dark blue dress to wrap around them.

A few days later, I came upon a large cave that had a silver glow coming from it. Excited to have some shelter from the oncoming storm, I quickly ran inside. Inside, I found the most beautiful sight.

I could see rubies and sapphires, emeralds and amethysts. Towers of silver and gems stood around the cave, glittering in the little light that came into the cave. In the middle, there was a purple rug, silver colored cushions, and black blankets, making the cave look extra comfy.

I sighed in relief, jumping onto the sea of cushions. I snuggled into one of them, covering myself with one of the blankets. I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

I was awoken by a warm breeze on my face. I opened my sleepy eyes and jumped back at the sight that greeted me. It was a giant dragon! Its scales were a shade of dark violet, silver flecks dotting them. Its eyes were a shade of brown so dark, it almost looked like black. Great wings folded against its back, looking like they could take up the whole cave.

Yet, with its scary appearance, It didn't look at me in anger. It actually looked rather curious, stepping closer to me to get a better look at my face.

I froze, my green eyes locking with the dragon's brown ones. After a moment of looking me over, it.........smiled?

It smiled slightly, then started glowing purple. I averted my eyes, the light hurting them. When I looked back, someone stood in the place of the dragon.

Their short hair was a pretty shade of dark violet that matched the dragon's scales. Their eyes were the same shade of brown, looking nearly black. They were wearing a pair of black pants and a violet shirt, a silver belt wrapping around their waist. Their face was soft and had the same smile as the dragon.

"Who are you?" they asked, their voice soft and curious.

I took a deep breath and  stood up, straightening my back. "I am Princess Paxtynn of Opela," I boomed, offering out my hand to shake, "And who might you be?"

They stared down at my hand and tilted their head. "My name is Blake." they said, "They/them pronouns,"

A look of confusion made its way across my face. "Pronouns?" I asked, lowering my hand.

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