The Babies

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A/N: This is a sequel to Dragon's Love that my date mate wanted me to make, so I'd go reread it, if you don't remember. Hope you enjoy.

"What?" I said, basically just standing there. I had gone pretty numb after the words out of my wife's mouth.

She began to laugh awkwardly, doing jazz hands. "I'm pregnant," she said, drawing out the whole sentence in a high voice. Her jazz hands continued as I stood there, floored.

After a good couple of seconds, I was finally able to say something and it was: "How? We're both female!"

She shrugged her. "I dunno. Magic?" she said.

"But, but how?" I yelled, my hands flying everywhere.

"I dunno! You're a dragon! How am I supposed to know!" she shouted, then paused, "Wait, am I gonna birth an egg?"

There was my laughter. "No," I laughed out through the tears, "My mom was human, but my dad wasn't, and I wasn't an egg,"

"Yeah, you also told me you were born with wings!"

"Well, yeah, but I'm half dragon! The baby is gonna be 25% dragon,"

"That doesn't mean they won't have wings!" she shouted, holding onto her head in a panic. And people say I'm the one with anxiety.

I rolled my eyes and guided her to the living room, then set her down on a cushion. "Breathe, dear. Breathe. In for three. Hold for five. Out for eight," We repeated our usual breathing exercise, this time the other way around than usual.

"Okay, are you okay?" I asked after a minute of breathing.

She nodded slowly and looked down at her belly. "We need to get ready for them,"

Four Months later

"I want pickles and peanut butter!" I heard her whine through the cave, making me sigh into my book about precious stones. Since this was normal, I got up and got one of the pre-made pickle and peanut butter sandwiches out of the cabinet.

"Yay!" she shouted when I walked into the bedroom with her treasure. She snatched and began to devour it, even more viciously than I ever would.

"You're a dork, you know," I laughed, watching the peanut butter stick to her chin.

Through a mouthful of sandwich, she said, "And yet you still love me,"

"I do," I leaned down and kissed her forehead, earning a smaller, but happier "yay" from my weird, hormonal wife.

"I'm gonna go out to market to get some more food, since someone has eaten all of it," I Giggled at her offended face when I said those words, her green-yellow, sunflower eyes narrowing as her peanut butter lips puckered.

"Don't judge," she managed, swallowing her bite of her gross sandwich, "I have a growing kid in me and I need the nutrients," With that, she munched another bite of the sandwich and I left the room to go to market. I also may have giggled at her, causing one of our smaller cushions to hit me in the head.

Three Months later

The smell of paint hit me right when I walked into the front entrance, making me put my shirt collar over my mouth. The smell was a little bit strange, but not surprising, since Paxtynn had promised she'd wait for me to get home to start painting the baby's room.

Shaking my head, I made my way to the back of our cave system, where it forked into three sections. To the left was the storage room for my treasure, since I literally need it to survive. The middle lead to a stairway up into our garden, where we started growing some fruits and vegetable a few weeks before hand. To the right was another hall that lead to two different rooms: mine and Pax's, and our future child's room.

I could smell the paint from inside the baby's room, along with some humming. Opening the door, I could see my wife standing on a little stool with a brush, painting the walls on the cave an eggshell white, a soothing color. Since we didn't know the sex of the baby, we wanted to keep it neutral for a while.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Paxtynn sang, making me sway and relax, "You make me happy when sky are grey,"

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you," I sang out, matching her pitch and making her turn.

She smiled and we harmanized the last line, "Please don't take my sunshine away,"

I walked over to her and gently brought her down from the stool, careful not to squeeze her large stomach too much. "I thought you were gonna wait for me," giggled, rubbing my nose against hers.

"But I felt like painting, now, Blake!" she whined, holding onto the brush like I was gonna take it away, "and what if I didn't want to paint later? As an artist, you learn these things,"

I sighed and unwrapped my arms from her, going to get another brush and dipping it into the small paint bowl. "Well, then let's get it done, so that you can paint the designs on it later, okay?"

Paxtynn's smile grew and she quickly put her brush into the paint and kept painting the large wall. We ended up back in our room, watching the ceiling as I sang her gently to sleep.

Two Months later

"Come on, honey, I know you can do this!" I shouted over Paxtynn's yelling. She had her back on the floor of the gold room in the cave, while I held her hand and the local doctor tried to get our child out of her. We were in the gold room, because, part human or not, every child being born with dragon blood needs to be around gold. Otherwise, there's a high risk of losing them.

"I can't! I can't!," she shouted for the fifth time, still pushing nonetheless, "I don't know anything about childbirth and I don't-," She was cut off as I gently kissed her, wiping the tears that were streaming down the sides of her face.

"It'll be okay," I whispered, touching my forehead to hers, "because you're the strongest person I know, and I hate to see you so scared. I promise that Athena, or Aries, will be perfect," And, to make sure she didn't lose hope, I pressed the necklace we were going to give the child when they were older into her palm. She wrapped her hand around it and nodded, pushing one last time with a loud yell.

The yell echoed throughout the cave, until it stopped, and for a split second, everything was quiet, until a heartbreaking cry ripped through the air. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A healthy baby girl was in the doctor's arms, little, red wings wrapped around her whole body, slightly wet. I was ready to take her and show her to Paxtynn, but my wife began to yell again.

"There's more!" she yelled, and the doctor handed me the little girl while the doctor helped Paxtynn push out the other kid, one we didn't even know we had. That one came out a lot quicker than the girl, and, when it did, a beautiful baby boy with little, green wings was in the doctor's arms.

I took shifted the girl into my right arm and took the boy into my left, kneeling beside Paxtynn so that she could see the two of them. "Twins, hun," I said, tears streaming down my face in pure joy, "You gave birth to twins!"

Paxtynn reached out two tired hands and gently stroked our children's faces, a soft look on her face. "Athena and Aries," she whispered, "I love them,"

A/N: My date mate picked the names and he/she/they helped me write it and come up with the idea. Love you, babe!

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