The Partner Revealed (Part 8)

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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader

Description: Being from the wrong side of the tracks has once again put Jughead into trouble.

Warnings: None I can think of. But I suck at warnings...

Word count: 3047

Jughead's point of view

Jughead is sitting on a fiftiesque version of Y/N's dining-room, brightly lit and full of flowers. He feels out of place and uneasy. She's next to him, which, in any other circumstance, would calm him down, but the girl's smiling in an almost creepy way. Her mother walks in with a tray of food and kisses her husband at the head of the table. Jug notices they are all dressed as if they actually ARE in the 50′s and the oddest of it all is that his beanie has become a crown. Y/N grabs his hand over the table and he feels something cold on her touch. When he inspects it, there's a wedding band on her ring finger. The dumbfounded boy wants to question it, but no words leave his lips. Y/F/N gives the crowned boy the tools to serve dinner. Juggie looks frontwards and suddenly Y/N's living-room becomes his dad's dark trailer. FP is slouched on the armchair, watching static on the TV while drowning himself in alcohol. Jughead feels powerless. He diverts his eyes back at the table, noticing that Y/N's parents are gone and she's crying over her creepy smile. "Why did you leave me alone, Juggie?", she pleads. Then, walking from the kitchen, comes Betty in a wedding dress. "Shouldn't you be married to me?!", the blonde girl screams.

Alarm Clock:

5:45 AM

The sound saves him from that nightmare. He rubs the sleep off his eyes and puts on his beanie. With his towel, toothbrush and paste, he slides on his flipflops and walks out of his "room". Alone in the deserted corridors of Riverdale High, Jughead feels like and extra in a Wes Craven movie. The still sleepy boy rests his beanie on the hanger in the locker room, relieves himself of his clothes and steps into the shower. He's been having a hard time shaking the bad feeling since he woke up. That dream looked very fanciful but something about it felt realistic, in a subconscious level. The hot water is washing away the memories from the nightmare while he convinces himself it's completely preposterous that any of that could have some link to reality. Ultimately, the boy much rather think about the kiss from the previous night.

Jughead wraps a towel around his hips and combs his hair in front of the steamed mirror. He is surprised at someone standing behind him. With a killer on the loose, that encounter made Juggie a bit jumpier than usual. Relief washes over him when he recognizes the ginger locks of his best friend. However, confusion is stamped all over the face of an oblivious Archie, who was at school that early just to practice his songs in peace and quiet. Jug runs his fingers through his still wet dark hair, trying to find a tangible answer to why he is there at 6:10 a.m. taking a shower. Arch doesn't buy his facade and pushes for the truth. An ugly truth it is. Jug shows him the closet he's been living in since the Drive-In shut down. Archie looks at the thin mattress and pillow on the floor, clothes hanged on the wall, canned food and bottled drinks on top of a forgotten furniture, a stack of books, some from the library, other his and one he got from Y/N and hasn't been able to return even having finished reading it, among other few things Jug owns.

The beanie-clad boy confesses he hasn't been living at home since his mom left because his dad couldn't keep a job after Archie's dad fired him. The bell rings and Jug is quick to close the door of his deepest secret. The concern is more than visible on his best friend's face, which makes him hide deeper how much that situation is hurting him, by pretending it's temporary. Before walking away to his first class, Jughead begs him not to tell Y/N or anyone else.

Y/N's point of view

Y/N wakes up smiling. However, a little fear takes over her as if the previous night had been just a dream. Although the second she runs her fingers through her lips it's as if she's transported back to when Jug stole a kiss from her. That makes all of those times she sat alone watching Jughead also by himself at Pop's seem like it happened a million light years before. Unfortunately, it reminds her of some homework she must hand in that morning, from first to last periods, or she'll only graduate within a million light years.

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