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It was just me and my twin sister. She was my best friend, the only other person in the world that understood me, and we were about to have the fight of our lives. Not just another sibling argument, this time it was going to be different. It was raining unnaturally hard in a way that told you that God too was crying. The sky was pitch black. She stood only 5 feet away from me but I could only see her sapphire blue eyes.

"We're already better then all of them!" she yelled maniacally, she wished her words alone could destroy the world. I could see her eyes start to turn the Jade green they normally turned when she was about to use her powers.

"Jade! Your becoming exactly what they said we would become," I said, trying to keep it cool for the both of us. "If we want to be normal, if we want peace-"

"Don't you see?" she barked at me throwing her hands up like she was drunk "We will NEVER have peace!" I knew she was fighting back tears. "Were just their failed experiment!" Her voice was choking. There was nothing I could do now. Her eyes were glowing a color green I've never seen before, an evil green full of hate and pain. I knew the pain she felt. I cant deny that... but still, I refused to become a murderer, like everyone always expected.

This kind of ending in my life was always inevitable, I always knew it was going to end this way. You see, my life or rather my destiny was screwed from the beginning. I'm a splice, something in between a clone and Frankenstein's monster, the ultimate test tube baby if you will. Created in a lab called NSE or The Next Step in Evolution -get use to the acronyms, scientist LOVE acronyms- I was never meant to see the light of day. They were suppose to kill me before I was full term but thanks to the grace of god or luck -whichever you prefer- I survived "Invidia Immortalium" a program that they were sure was going to fail -it was suppose to make an experiment like me immortal and this time it succeeded...

Before the success of Project Perfection -which is what they called me- NSE was owned by a private company called Preston Enterprises. It was ran by a man called Isaac Preston. He's rich, a BIT of a playboy, loves to drink a little too much and the man I was cloned from -for a lack of a better word. As much as I hate it he became an important person in my life, on the outside he was the perfect father to me and my twin sister -who I forgot to mention but went threw the same things I went threw to be created, but this isn't about her. He bought everything our hearts desired -and then some-, he sent us to the most expensive private school he could find, he met all of our needs, he truly tried to be the best father he could be or at least to Jade.





Invidia Immortalium: Project PerfectionWhere stories live. Discover now