The Great Hazzard Chase

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It was a fine Hazzard morning as the Duke boys raced down the dirt roads in their car, The General Lee. The Duke boys were cousins, Luke being the oldest of the pair. Luke was an ex-marine, and Bo used to be a stock car driver. The boys moved quickly down the Hazzard roads, although they were careful to mind the speed limit, 55 miles per hour. Bo and Luke were having a great day so far, laughing and teasing one another. That's when Luke, who was riding shotgun, looked behind them to see a sheriff's car, which put a slight damper on his mood. "Oh great, it's Rosco." He groaned.

Bo, who was driving the General, looked at his rear-view mirror and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, Rosco! Can't he just leave us alone? We were only doing fifty-three!"

"Let's lose him, Bo." Luke said with a hint of adventure behind his eyes.

"Gladly." Bo stated with a small smile before stepping on the gas. The General roared, seemingly with excitement as the speedometer slowly rose. Nevertheless, Rosco stayed right behind the Duke boys, wanting to capture them so he could ask Boss Hogg for a raise in pay. Finally, Bo pulled out onto a smooth, paved road where The General roared as the speedometer rose again, pushing 80 miles per hour. Luke laughed as Rosco began falling behind, but Bo was focusing on the road. "Luke, we have a problem."

"What? What problem?"

"The General's Brakes went out! Brace yourself, we're gonna jump it."

Luke looked to the front of The General to find that Bo was going right for a big mound of dirt. "Are you sure we can make it?"

"We're gonna to have to, cause I can't slow down!" Bo shouted in a panic.

Luke looked down to find Bo pumping the brakes, to no avail. When he looked up gain, he noticed what jump they were about to take. "That's the pond, Bo! We can't jump that! Turn off!"

"Too late, cousin!" Bo shouted as they hit the mound and went airborne. Both boys flinched, Luke ducking, and Bo trying to steer The General to safety. Time seemed to slow down as they moved over the sparking water of the pond, and soon The General hit the ground Thump! Both boys fell unconscious...

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