Twenty Two~

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Taehyung's P.O.V:

God those people cant be here, I cant have them be here. I got in my car and drove home, thoughts kept going through my head. I drove in the driveway and got out of the car. I walked to the front door and-

"HI WHO ARE YOU I HEARD TAEHYUNGIE LIVED HERE!" I heard an annoying voice yell. Knowing who it was.

"Who are you? Get out!" I heard Kookie scream. I roll my eyes and walk in to see one of my ex friends,  Hoseok. "Get out Hoseok." I say. Hoseok turns around and looks at me with a smile on his face. "YOURE HERE!" He screams as he jumps on me. I roll my eyes. Did he forget? I push him off me. I look him in the eyes, "Get out, we arent friends." I say as i pull him out and close the door behind him. I sigh knowing everyone is going to ruin everything.

"Who was that?" Kookie asks as he come to me and wraps his hands around my waist. "My ex friend." I say as i hug him. Today was a long day. How did he knew where i live? If he knows then Kookie's father can easily find us. I panic as i let go of Kookie and rush upstairs. Until i heard a knock on my door. I turn around and went back downstairs to see Kookie had already opened the door. He looked confused.

"WHERES MY BABY?" I heard someone yell. Already knowing it was my mother figure, Jin. I walk to the door to find Jin and Namjoon at my doorstep with.......suitcases? "W-What are you doing here?" I ask getting super annoyed by everyone so far, except Kookie. "Im moving in duh, now move so we can put our stuff upstairs." Jin says as he barges into our house. Kookie looks at me a bit pissed which i don't mind because so was I. 

Namjoon follows him a bit guilty. He looks at me and mouths a 'sorry'. Namjoon and i were closer than Jin and i were since he let me get away with stuff like eating candy at midnight as a kid. I pull him aside. "How did all you guys find out where we live?" I asked glancing at Kookie. "We asked your brother." He says casually. But he doesn't know where we live. "Are you lying?" He looks at me like as if i was joking. "Why would i lie to you?" 

Because you did before.....all of you did...


Hey guys, sorry ive been so busy this summer but ill try to update every week!

~Forbidden Love~ ♡Kth~Jjk♡Where stories live. Discover now