Lol, it's me again. Publishing something after only a day. I thought of another story. I honestly only glanced at a bakudeku picture and suddenly ed sheeran lyrics came to me. Then plot. This picture was made, and this story is being written on a mere whim at 1 in the morning while drinking tea.
I need help.
I also actually really love this ship. It's my otp, ereri being second and I block out anyone who tries to pitch differently to me.
I don't think anyone but me even ships this.
This is set in the normal aot world but canon divergence so it is it's own canon universe. That doesn't make any sense.
There are still titans around so. Idek what i'm doing anymore.
Warning; No warnings, praise cookie monster. I mean, I guess the only one I can think of is this might not be too terribly long. Probably capped at around 5000 words or less depending on how many fancy descriptions I can fit in here. Also it's in 3rd person. I found a new warning, I somehow made it sad/angst-y and there's descriptive violence/gore. I'm sorry. I thought I was just going to make it a nostalgia trip with a content ending
and then I kept going.
Lets see if I can find a way to add smut also. I haven't written that in a while. Update, I didn't put full smut, but like. It's close enough.
I actually have no clue what i'm even writing so. I'm updating theses notes as I go, whoops.
I'm a mess.
Hey look, more ed sheeran lyrics.
We Keep This Love In A Photograph
"Levi! What are you looking at so late at night?" An annoying shrill voice permeated the peaceful silence the raven haired male had created for himself. Closing his eyes tightly, he grimaced before staring at the figure in-front of him with a scowl.
"None of your fucking business Hanji, shouldn't you be asleep like normal people do at this time of the night?" He questioned clearly not in the mood.
"Well, I mean, I could say the same about you currently." They instantly chuckled at the glare being given, "As for why I'm up, well I had to pee. Y'know, when nature calls. Nature being your bladder, you just have to answer it. It's not really healthy to hold in your pee and can't afford to have an unhealthy bladder. I think I heard somewhere that it also affects your kidneys, and your liver too. Did you know--"
Levi rubbed the temples of his head in clear disdain. "Just shut the fuck up, do you not have an off switch. By the walls, you're like a squirrel that can't find its nut but it's clearly right in front of them." He snapped at the brunette.
"Someones a little grumpy tonight, what's the matter. And why are you even awake at this time of the night." Hanji relented, obviously not giving up until they receive some form of an answer.
"Ugh, if you have to know. I'm looking at some old pictures." He gave up, realizing that they would not leave unless he provided them with enough information. Or they got bored, which he wasn't betting on the second one at any point soon.
"Ooo, what kind of pictures?" They asked. Levi just sighed before shoving a few into their grubby waiting fingers. Looking the polaroids over, Hanji lifted their gaze towards the shorter raven. "Who are these two?" They asked, pointing at the tall blonde male and the red-headed female.

♣ Ƭhe Łevi Ƈhronicles ♧
Hayran KurguJust a basic book, with basic stories, that contain a basic Levi and some basic others. I would be sorry, but to be frank, i'm not. This is essentially more of a side thing for when I get too stressed writing my main stories. Which, ironically enou...