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Meiko's POV:
I was walking to school with an envelope in hand. "Mei-chan!!!" Honey senpai yelled. I quickly put the envelope in my bag. "o-oh h-hi Honey senpai" i said.

I was daydreaming again. "Meiko! Are you even listening to class?" Sensei asked. "u-uh yeah!" i answered. "Then what did. just say?" She asked. 'ohhhhh shit! This is where i fuck up!!!!' i said to myself. *just says what teacher explained* (A/N:sry i can't put it cause i can't think of one but if u got one just replace it in ure mind while reading) "Thank you Meiko. That is correct" *bell rings* "ok students. You're dismissed. Go have your clubs now." Sensei said.

I ran to the lockers(A/N:just imagine there are if there's none in ohshc.Just imagine there are lockers) and put a note one a boy that i like's locker. (A/N: lol this is now yandere simulator)
The note says:
To:(Boy's Name)
Please meet me at the Cherry Blossom Tree. I have something important to tell you. Please come. Meet me there at club times. Thank you
I ran and saw him coming. He read the note and started running to the cherry blossom trees. I ran to get there before he does. Luckily i arrived here first. I did have a short cut to get there faster. He finally came and was panting from exhaustion by running. "h-hi" i said. "hi. did you want me to meet you here?" (Boy's Name) said. "uh..yeah..uhh" i said. I didn't exactly practice what to say..heh. "uhm well i need to tell you something important." I said "Go ahead" He says. I get the envelope out of my pocket and gives it to him. "I'm sorry. But i can't love a girl like you. Your such a lame ass girl who's such a boring brat. Your worthless ans no one should give you love" He says and goes away. My eyes widened. Tears rolls down my face. I fell to the ground crying. 'It..hurts...It hurts so much. Why did he say no?' i thought.

-Meanwhile with the host club-
Haruhi's POV:
I walked to the host club finding Tamaki worrying like crazy. Honey senpai hugging Usa-chan with a worry look. Kyoya and Mori senpai are just chill. "Uhhhh..what's happening?" i asked in confusion. "Well they're just worrying about sis" Hikaru says. "She hasn't arrived yet." Kaoru says.

"Huh!? What do you mean she's not here yet!?" I said surpized that she usually is here at this time. "huh?" Kaoru says. "A text from..Meiko?" He says.
Please help me. Why am i here existing in this unfair world. I just want to die. All i get is a broken heart every single time!!!
"Is she gonna comit suicide?" Hikaru says. "WAIT! What!!!" Tamaki,Me,Honey,Mori and Kaoru says. "Where is she?" I say.

-few minutes ago-
Meiko's POV:
I was just laying on he green grass filled with cherry blossoms that fell from the cherry blossom tree. I was leaning on the tree. I had tears still falling. My bag next to me. The love letter on the grass and is ripped. He ripped my love letter. I was just shocked at my heart being broken and rejected.

Kaoru's POV:
All of the Host Club went separate on trying to find sis. Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai went together cause Honey wouldn't really go anywhere without Mori. They went to go look in the Club Rooms. Tamaki went to look in the cafeteria. Kyoya went to look in the library. Haruhi went to look at the front of the school. Hikaru and I went also seperate. He went to look in the Classrooms. I went to the bacl of the school. I saw the cherry blossom tree. It was beautiful as ever. I saw someone under the tree sitting down. The person looks like they're....crying. I ran closer to the tree and found out it was Meiko. "Meiko!" I yelled to catch her attention.

"K-kaoru?..."She said. She looked sleepy so i put the letter in her bag, put her bag on my shoulder, and carried her all the way to the music room #3. I knew the host club went back to the room by now so i'm going to take her there.

"I found her!" I said. "Huh? ugh" Hikaru said quietly. He looked unhappy that Meiko was found. "WHERE DID YOU FIND HER!!?!!?" Tamaki asked and Honey-senpai running and led me to the couch so i cab put her down there. "Well i found her under the cherry blossom tree....." I answered. I droppes Meiko's bag on the couch. "...She was crying" i said. "huh? so she confessed her love to someone but got rejected?" Honey senpai asked. "I guess. I did find this love letter but it was torn in half. Maybe the person she confessed to didn't like her and was so mean enough that he ripped it." I said guessing that is probably what happened. "I'm sure the boy is one of the delinquents in this school" Kyoya said. (A/N: just pretend this school has delinquents) "Probably" I said. "Tch. Why are we wasting our time worrying about this freak? This brat is nothing and a waste of time." Hikaru said. He left the club room and i'm guessing he went home.

Hikaru's POV:
"tch! those losers!" I said

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