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The elite force had just gotten back from putting out all the fires that the shapeshifters were starting, all thinking the same thing, they need to do something about the shapeshifters. They had already tried 3 different tactics and they all failed and it was stressing the team out. They had tried freezing them, trapping them and ambush. All of which ended with one of them being injured or all of them being knocked unconscious.

3 of the elite force were completely silent as they listened to the siblings of the group snap insults back and fourth,  they had been at it for hours now since the first fire and bree ran off on her own into a collapsing building. 

"You cant just do that, your part of a team!"

"That arguement is old, for the smartest guy on the world you can be so stupid, your plan wouldn't have worked"

"It would have if people stuck to the plan! And at least I've never quit the team before"

"Ohe so we're back to that, you might not have quit the team but you almost died because you wanted to prove yourself!"

"Exactly I ran off by my self and almost got killed, that's why I'm yelling at you"

"If I didn't do what I did that buildigs would have collasped on a family of 5"

"And what if some thing happened to you?"

"GUYS!" skylar yelled "why are you fighting, the mission was a success!"

"Yeah, and this is the 5th argument in 2 days, what's going on? Anyone would think your arguing for he sake of it" oliver said with a small chuckle at what he thought was a joke.

Chase scoffed "no" he said like this wasn't the truth

Bree glared at him "then why do you keep bugging me!"

"Because as team leader, it's my job ton ensure everyone is safe!"

"Or you just like being a control freak!"

With that bree stormed offor to her room and everyone else heand the door slam causing chase to wince at the sound. He growled 

"Dude, what's gotten in to you?" Kaz asked as he wondered his chance of survival if he went to  check on bree. 

"What's it to you" Chase huffed and the rest of the team stared at him with a 'are  you serious' "she my sister, we fight sometI message end of story" before storming downu to mission command mumbling under his breath the all way. 

"Well those two better sort out their differences, and fast. It should not take 5 hours to put out fires!" Skyear said before walking of to who knows where. 

Kaz and oliver looked at each other and shrugged. "So.. wanna play topple the tower"

"I'll get the cups "

"I'll get the toasters"


chase was angrily fiddling withe some gadget he had been working, it was supposed to be a mind reader, that allows you to hear what others were thinking. It was just a prototype the real one would have to be smaller and easily concealed.

He was pissed off with bree, she constantly went against what ever he said "wait for the team, don't run into a collapsing building,  don't date kaz" it seemed she just wanted to do the opposite of what he said.

He huffed and slammed his new toy on the desk and then decided that a bit of training would be a good way to calm down. So he set up the sim and starting kicking hologram butt. 

After a couple he went to his and kaz and oliver said room, glaring at kaz as he walked past their mess to his side of the room and into his capsule.


she didn't understand what his problem was. Just lately he found problems with everything she did. She was his older sister, she could do what she wants, date who she likes. She knew telling the team that her and kaz where dating was a bad idea. 

She remembered the night. Her amd chase had got in to an argument about this effecting the team and him not being good for her and how she would put hIm before the team like she did with Owen back in mission creek.

She sighed her and kaz were doing really well. He was still his childish self but she liked that he didn't change, he was serious when she needed him to be. 

She sighed again, dispite having spent 5 hours putting out verious fires, she was full of energy and she was getting more restless the more she stood in her capsule. 

She decided to go for a run. So she grabbed her high tops, not the best for running in but she couldnt be bothered to dig out her boots.  

She snook out her room, down to the emergency escape and down the stairs. It was two hours past curfew so she couldn't get caught. Not by chase at least the other members didn't seem to care.

Once on the ground floor (110 floors! Down the fire escape!  Yh that took awhile) she took a deep breath of fresh air. Then she took off running . She laughed as she felt the air rush against her face, quickly closing her mouth to avoid catching flies. To her there was nothing better than running  (don't know how fast she goes) around the world. She stopped when she felt the soles of her shoes burning her feet.

Slowing to a jog then a walk she ended up at the park where she and chase saved crossbow with skylar, oliver and kaz. She sat down on the fountain and took off her ruined shoes and cauget her breath back and wondered how many laps she had ran around the worlid. 

she jumped when she heard a crack, now on her bear feet she turned and gasped in recognition when she saw...

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