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Bree struggled not to squeeze her eyes shut as 4 different attacks rushed towards her but she failed and flinched away from it. With her back against the wall there was no protection.

She stood there with her eyes shut and her fists clenched whilst she waited for the attack to hit. But it didn't.

instead bree heard Reese cry out in confusion and fear. She opened her eyes and the first thing she registered was the blue force field around her that stopped the black swarms from getting to her.  It looked like chase's

the second was that Reese was being in a headlock by Adam whilst skylar snapped a pair of handcuffs on her.

Then she saw chase who was staring straight at her as he concentrated on the force field whilst kaz and Oliver provided cover.

"Don't touch my sister" he managed to ground out  before expanding the shield so it threw a shapeshifter. 

then she blue shield went back to covering bree whilst Leo added  something that would electrocute anyone who touches the outside of it

"I've never been so glad to see you chase!"  Bree cheered in relief

beside Adam and skylar was mr Davenport and Douglas who were cuffing Sebastian, each holding some kind of gun.

"Let my sister go, or Reese gets blown up" Adam snapped (a/n this is a bit out of Ccharacter for Adam but on well).

The shapeshifters glared but made a pathway for bree; Reese was their fathers favourite, if she were to be hurt all of them would suffer. Bree sprinted to her family whilst reese was thrown to her nearest sibling.

"Get them" she snarled 

so kaz and Oliver threw some fire and ice to push them back whilst Leo and Adam chucked lasers and energy spares over the wall of elements. 

Mr davenport turned to chase, pushing bree into his arms "talk her to the helicopter, I ve got him" he pointed to the handcuffed Sebastian who would be getting a new cell when he went back to prision. He then turned to the rest of the rescue group "keep cover and run"

The group with chase leading the way with bree over his shoulder in a fireman carry, made their way into the top of London tower where the helicopter was parked. 

Bree wiggled and squermed in chases hold, she could run on her own! 

"Bree quit it" chase wanted as he ran,struggling to hold her. 

"Put me down! I can help!"

" get her to helicopter " chase heard Mr Davenport yell as they rounded another conerer making chase speed up behind him he could hear yelling, screaming and massive explosions and he wondered how much of London tower would be left by time they left.

They made it to a big room with lots of old suits of armour when chase needed to breath so the group made a barricade at the door.

"Everyone o k?" Douglas asked 

Everyone nodded or made a sound of agreement.

 "Bree, do you know how much trouble your in when we get home?" 

 " believe me, I have an idea" she told her uncle dougie whilst pointing at the glare her father was sending her way. "Oh good because I didn't wanna go there" the glare was then directed at him.

"Ok out times up, let's go!" They all started running and this time bree was on her own feet instead of being carried. Every now and then she threw a proton ring or an energy burst but she didn't have much energy to use, she was hungry and tired and breaking out used a lot of energy.

the helicopter was now in sight and Donald and Douglas jumped in and started it up whilst the rest of the team placed themselves around it. Then when the helicopter was in the air the teams climbed on and the helicopter flew away.

It took 5 hours to get back to the bionic island and everyone was relieved to see bree, however the relief quickly turned into anger for mr Davenport who took her back to the mentor dorms.

 "What were you thinking!" He snapped as he paced in front of her " you could have been killed or injured, .....or killed... "

 "I was fine"

 "You were kidnapped! And you were in Australia putting out house fires, you don't have bionics, you don't have any form of protection! "

"Actually...." She tried to say but was cut off 

" What could you have possibly done in that situation? " Mr Davenport ranted he kept going saying how she was pretty much useless with out her bionics and how he kicked her from the team for her own safety, not so she could go out on dangerous missions on her own with no powers.

Bree watched him and listened but was quickly losing her patienice and she formed a proton ring in her hand and threw it so it circled me Davenport "I am not useless without my bionics!" She yelled after throwing herself to her feet and catching the proton ring.

for a moment mr Davenport stared at her before grinding out "What was that!" He pointed at the proton ring that seemed to melt into bree 's handha

"Its a proton ring, I have super powers now"

Mr Davenport flopped into the couche with a huff "what? How? When.... " he Put a hand to his forehead before "What the hell have you been doing at the penthouse when I'm not there! "

Bree 's eyes widened as she thought of all the stuff they would get into trouble for, the poor guy was too old for the heart attacks that come with all the storie s "ehh you don't wanna know😌😸"

then he got up and went to the hydroloop station where the elite force and Adam and Leo where waiting "TEAM MEETING  NOW ALL OF YOU!" He screamed and they all run into the mentor dorms and took a seat next to bree ( a tight squeeze but they some how managed it).

"I know I've not been available to be there with all of you, specially the elite force but I expected you to be responsible! I expected you to keep me updated! I did not expect my children to go through death defying stunts and not even be told about them. "

"You!" He pointed at Oliver who whimpered " how did bree get superpowers!? "

So he told the story, about AJ and the list and then finding the rock and then he told me Davenport about how they all found out..all in all it was a very long story and mr Davenport was so curious he wasn't notifed that he threatened to install eddy into the penthouse, luckily chase talked him out of it

 The elite force was officially grounded and so was Leo. Adam was let of the book because he had no idea what was going on.

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