Chapter 1

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"Let me go! Get off of me!"

"Now, now calm down Miss Salem."

"Get your filthy hands of me!"

"Miss, calm down", he growled at me while tightening his grip on me.

"Where am I?"

"Calm down."

"Let me go."

"Miss Salem, you better get that panic under control right now" said a new voice.

An excruciating pain jolted through my body as I fell to the ground.

"We told you to get that panic under control little Miss" the second voice whispered in my ear as my body faded to unconsciousness.

As I started waking up I could feel silk sheets under me and when I opened my eyes all I could see was black. I woke up on a bed in a dark room. As I tried to move the door opened and two men walked in. The man on the left was tall with long black hair down to his shoulders and golden chestnut brown eyes. He had three piercings in his bottom lip that glistened in the light from the door they'd opened. His eyes were rimmed with dark makeup. The other man was much shorter, about shoulder length of the first one. His eyes were an icy blue color and his long black hair went down to his shoulders. He too had piercings in his lips, both in the left corner of his bottom lip and his eyes were also rimmed with dark makeup.

"How are you feeling now little Miss? Got that panic under control?"

When the tall man spoke the blood in my veins turned into ice, it was the same man who kidnapped me and electrocuted me before I passed out.

"Miss Salem, we asked you a question. You've better answer it."


"Yes what?"

"Y-yes Sir."

"That's better. Now I'm Mr. Cerulli and this is Mr. Olson mostly known as Mr. Horror. We are in charge of this school. You will address us as Mr. or Sir and the same applies to all teachers here. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Your uniform is on the bed, you will wear it at all times you leave this room. You will be sharing a room with Miss Kroni, having a roommate is a privilege, do not miss use it. We do not allow our students to skip any meals, you have to eat every meal we serve. All meals are served in the dining hall. All students gather there every morning, afternoon and evening to get messages and eat. Females are not allowed in the male halls and no males except us teachers are allowed in the female halls. You have lessons from 6 pm to 5 am. Arriving late to lessons is not allowed and will lead to punishment as the teacher sees fit. Disobeying will lead to punishment as well. Me and Mr. Horror do not have any classes this year. You will have History, Demonic anatomy and Latin with Mr. Sola, Fighting techniques and Possession with Mr. Sitkowski and Agility and Energy control with Mr. Balz. Understood?"

"Why doesn't skipping a meal lead to punishment?"

"It does but you will also be summoned to me and Mr. Horror. Denying yourself the nutrition you need to stay healthy and evolve is not allowed and can be deadly. Now I asked you a question, do you understand?"

"Yes sir"




"What am I doing here?"

"You're a demon of course"

"N-no I'm not. No, I'm just normal. I'm a normal human. There's no such thing as demons"

"You speak as if you know"

I-I can't be, no I can't. My life is normal. I'm just like everyone else. I have a normal mother, a normal father and a normal brother. Nothing has ever been unusual with me or my family. I've always lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone.

"Now I'm going to mark you, it will start your changing process."

Mr. Cerulli walked up to me, pulling my shirt up and biting his finger as black blood started welling up. He started to draw strange symbols on my stomach, turning me around and doing the same to my back, lifting my feet and drawing there, taking my hands and doing the same on my palms. Lastly he drew one on my forehead. As he finished with the last symbol a terrible pain filled my body as the symbols started to burn.

"Now Miss Salem, get dressed and come with me" he said not even faced by my pain.

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