Luke imagine part 3

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Just a pre warning I've changed the baby Collins name to Connor and kaileys name to Haley

Authors pov

As soon as those words left Haley mouth Connor threw the toy on the floor haley went "oops your times up"Michael then stepped forward and said "I'll watch him" she responded with " nope don't touch my baby!" and then walked off

Haley's pov

*1 1/2 later *

Joe's back and I told him about our little encounter and he said "he obviously still with your sister if she was there and I wouldn't let you go back to him your mine"

Anyways I just finished getting ready , I'm going to dinner with my two favourite men Connor and joe.we got to the restaurant a little bit later joe had Connor in his right hand and had his left arm around my lower back,they led us to a table but when we got we saw whose table was next to ours ..... the five of them!

We sat down and they brought Connor a high chair and we put him in it we started talking and I could feel their stares burning a hole into the side of my face , after dinner we ordered dessert and they were still staring at us what happened next surprised me most joe got down on one knee and asked me to marry him by now little Connor was giggling his head of so I picked him out of his high chair and said "should I say yes or no con ?" he just laughed and nodded his head I said yes and everybody but them cheered he slipped the ring onto my finger as soon as he did that Connor grabbed my hand he studied the shiny ring then slipped it off my finger and put it in his mouth.

Joe got Connor and lightly squeezed his cheeks and it he dropped it into joes hand joe wiped it and slipped it onto my fingers again then......

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