4. tweet war (Edited)

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@y/t/n oh don't I just love hair dye in my shampoo @ashton5sos

@ashton5sos sorry babe I thought it would be funny and it was

@y/t/n well no kisses for you for a week,let's see how funny it is then.

@ashton5sos no!I'm sorry :( don't take way my kisses without them I'll die ;(

Michael :
@y/t/n I miss @michael5sos

@micheal5sos miss you more babe but think about it this way, two more weeks and we can do whatever you like for three months :)


@calum5sos I never realised @y/t/n had dimples

@y/t/n and the best boyfriend of the year award goes to... Anybody but @calum5sos

@calum5sos that's no fair you can't mark me down for this one thing:(

Luke :
@luke5sos so bored and can't be bothered to get out of bed @y/t/n come over

@y/t/n I can't I am sick and you said you would come over three hours ago

@luke5sos oh I'm so sorry baby I forgot, I'm on my way over there right now

@y/t/n no babe you don't have to if you don't want to I understand you don't want to get sick :)

@calum5sos too late he is already on his way there haha

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