1. how you meet(Edited)

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Luke: A new club just opened up down the street from your apartment building and you and a couple of your male friends decided to go check it out and see what all the commotion is about. As soon as you got to the club it was packed, people grinding against each other making out even some people passed out on the floor or in booths. You all had a couple of drinks but not enough to get you drunk just enough for you to be able to let loose, by now your male friends have found females to chat up for the night and you're all alone by the bar that is until a blond haired hottie with blue eyes sits next to you "I'm Luke and I was wondering how a drop dead gorgeous lady like you ended up at the bar by yourself"he says in his Australian accent grinning. "I'm here with some friends but we all sort of went our separate ways after a couple of drinks and what are you doing at the bar by yourself?" You ask curiously grinning "I noticed when you came in and my friends and I were trying to figure out which of the guys you came in with was your boyfriend but I saw an opportunity to speak to you when you came to the bar all alone" he grins back winking "well aren't you a charmer?"you chuckle with a smile "only for you... I just realised I never got your name" he asks nervously "it's Y/N"

Calum: You went out food shopping because your parents were gone for the week and you wanted to get some food to eat because they left money for you. You're looking down at your phone reading a group chat you have with some friends and chuckling at some peoples stupidity, with out realising you push your cart into the path of someone else's and your carts collide. You look at each other in shock before you realise it was your fault.
Y/N: "Oh My gosh im so sorry i wasn't looking where I was going and didn't even realise that I was walking into someone else's path"
Calum: "Don't worry about it I wasn't looking where I was going either"he chuckles "I'm Calum by the way and you are?"
Y/N: "Y/N" you say with a smile "Nice to meet you Calum,although it wasn't the best way to meet someone" you laugh softly
Calum: "how about we make it up to each other over coffee?"he asks with a smile
Y/N: "I would love that" you say before both of you finish off your shopping and go to grab some coffee together.

Ashton : Ashton was babysitting his two year old niece and nephew in the park, at the same time you were walking your dog. As you were walking your dog you heard a little boy cry and walked towards the sound to inspect what was going on, when you got closer you saw a little boy crying his eyes out because he got lost, you walked close to him and bent down to his height "Are you lost?"you coo softly not wanting to scare the little boy. He nods rapidly looking at you "I cwant fwind my uncwle and sishter"he says between sniffles. You pick him up and help him look for his uncle and sister when you see Ashton and a little girl looking for someone and walk up to him after the little boy points to them "Hey I'm Essie and I found this little boy crying and looking for you"you smile softly after tapping Ashton's shoulder "oh thank goodness,I don't know what I would have done if I lost them"he say breathing a sigh of relief "I'm Ashton and thank you so much Essie,is there anything I can do to repay you?"he asks taking the crying boy from you "oh don't worry I didn't mind"you say getting ready to carry on with your day but he grabs your wrist softly "no I insist"he smiles

Micheal: he was your best friend already, you admitted to each other that you had slowly developed feeling for each other and that was the start of something beautiful.

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