Episode 6

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Chapter 16

Carlton lay on the bed staring up into the darkness not knowing what to think—if he should think about anything at all. His worst fear had found him and he was forced to answer a question he had kept blocking from his mind since he had married Camille: What will happen if Camille finds out about Sara and Carl Jr.? Would she leave him or would she accept the situation and remain with him?

Other thoughts and questions came hurtling into his mind: Would Sara cause problems for them? Why would she even give such a letter to Camille behind my back? Why was she even at the park? Apparently she had been going by there hoping I would turn up. Would she pressure me for more money? Why hadn't I just come clean with Camille knowing that was the right thing to do? I did not grow up living and practicing a life of deception and covering things up. Oh, the things we do in the name of love! “Lord, I cannot even pray right now. I don't even feel I should ask You to get me out of this mess.”

Carlton fell asleep wondering what the next day would bring.


Camille curled up on the couch with the blanket pulled up to her shoulders. “Lord, I hate to think negatively of my husband, but tonight I have no choice. I kept hoping he would tell me about this portion of his life on his own.” She wiped away the tears trickling down her cheeks onto her pillow. “Lord, I gave him time to tell me. I would have received the news much better back then. Now I do not want to hear it.”

Both were up earlier than normal the next morning.

“Morning, Cammi,” Carlton said tentatively as she walked into the bedroom to get dressed for work. She had just stepped out of the shower.

No response.

Carlton had just finished his morning workout and was getting ready to take his shower. Camille pulled her clothes out of the closet. She loosened the strap to her robe—the robe Carlton loved to see her in—and proceeded to get dressed. She noticed him staring at her through the mirror with a provocative smile.

Camille rolled her eyes at him as she bent over to pull on her stockings. She felt her husband's arms closing around her waist. Camille stiffened. She felt his embrace tighten as he kissed her on her neck and shoulders. She remained in her bent over position for a few seconds before standing up straight.

“Ow!” Carlton said as Camille jabbed him in his stomach with her elbow. “What was that for?” he said doubling over while holding his stomach.

“Oh, ow! You don't know?” she said. “If you don't have anything to do, rather than stand there, I have to be at work within an hour, so move out of the way.”

Camille pushed by him and quickly finished getting dressed.

“You've never left this early before. Is there something special going on at Aflac?”

“Yes. Today will be an especially special day for us,” she said flatly.

“I'll get that for you,” Carlton offered taking a step towards her.

“I don't recall asking for your help,” Camille said as she struggled to pull the zipper up in the back of her dress. “I am quite capable...of...doing it...myself...”

Carlton stopped in his tracks.

“There!” she said with a sense of triumph having successfully pulled the zipper up.

Carlton kicked his sneakers off as his wife pulled her jacket down off the hanger. Slinging her jacket over her right shoulder, she picked up her briefcase and left the room. Assuming she was headed for the kitchen to fix breakfast, Carlton went to take his shower. Burnt bread popped out of the toaster when he entered the kitchen. His wife had already left.

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