chapter 7 loki backs out.

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grace's POV**

"LOKI!!" "grace just give...." Loki got cut off because Tony blasted him in the chest. I sprinted over to my dad. "dad?" "grace, get Luke." "LUKE!!!!!" "grace what?" "my dad he got shot." "heal him please." "fine."

Luke's hand glowed purple & so did my dad's chest. I heard coughing. "dad!" "grace, Luke thank you."

I walked over to a group aliens and smashed my shield into there stomachs. I found a button on my shield. I pressed it and knives came out.

I sat behind a car. then a loud high pitched whistle. I looked up and all the aliens flew away. "Loki is gone for now." I was the last one inside. I walked in and noticed that banner wasn't here. "guys where is banner?" "oh shit he isn't here?" "no duh. nick" " we need 4 planes on the search for hulk."

after the elevator doors opened. Logan was outside my room.

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