I HATE YOU ALL. (A Homestuck FanFiction)

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  KARKAT POV           

 Great. Fucking perfect. The bus was late. Again.   As droplets of clear rain fell on my black sweater and beanie, I can see the 3-D shades and mismatched shoes coming up to me. "Hey KK." He says, a yellow umbrella above his head. 

"Hey asswipe." I grumble, shuffling over next to him. The taller student chuckles. "Bus late again, huh..." he sighs and looks out at the slick road,  his lisp infecting his words.  "No shit Captor." My eyes roll. "It's Sollux, KK. And that's no way for a lady to speak." Sollux winked at the end. That earned him a slap.

You see, I'm trans. I changed due to an...Experience in  5th, and haven't referred to myself as a female since. It's vital to my mental state that only one person (Other than my brother) can know this, otherwise I'd break.

The bus snaps me out of talking to myself. I nonchalantly make my way to the very back, Gamzee immediately noticing me and plopping down in the seat next to me, followed by Sollux. "Hey junkie, that's where I sit." Sol growls. Gamzee smugly smirks and slings an arm around me, causing a pale blush to appear on my face. "I just wanted to sit next to my best motherfucking bro. Ain't that right, Karbro?" The clown looks down at me. Shit. I just nod and stay silent. This just pisses my Gemini friend off more. "Well, how about you 'sit next to your motherfucking best bro' some other time, shit stain?" Gamzee just shakes his head. "Nah, I'm good." That damn smirk was still plastered on.

After an uncomfortable hour long bus ride, we got to school. "Fuck! Finally!" I jump up and stretch my arms. Sollux takes my by the wrist and pulls me close to him, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. "The fuck Sollux!?!" I shout, banging on his back. He just chuckles and carries my inside. But, Gamzee snatches me out of his grip as soon as the doors are opn. All of a sudden, a tall as fuck Senior is carrying me around instead of my slightly shorter Junior friend. "Dammit guys!!" I curse. A teacher intervenes and I'm put down. I take my left hand and lift my middle finger up, pointing it at Gamzee. "Fuck you-" I turn to Sollux so it's pointing at him. "And fuck you."

I made it through the first half of the day well. A little bit of bullying, but not as much as usual. It was lunch that hit me hard.

"I told someone."

// Hello Lovelies!! This is my first homestuck fanfiction, so I hope you like it!! DISCLAIMER: I dont own homestuck. If I did, a lot more gay ships would be canon. //

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