Chapter Twenty- Five: Lunch

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I promise I'll do someone else's POV soon it's just I wanted to get the whole Zerrie baby thing settled. Thanks! 


{Perrie's POV}

I toss and turn in bed still thinking of ways to tell Zayn. I only found out earlier today but I still feel bad that he doesn't know yet. 

This is useless! 

I climb out of bed and walk over to my bag, grabbing the ultrasound. I head down into the area behind our bed. I stand by the window and look around. On one of the walls there's three pictures of Zayn and I and on the other end wall there's a quote that Zayn got put in when we bought the house as a gift. 

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite." 

I sigh and look down at my stomach. I place my left hand on the tiny bump. No matter what everybody thinks this is our baby and they already hold a big space in my heart. I look out across London and then back at the sonogram in my right hand. 

I feel arms snake around my waist. Shit. 

{Zayn's POV}

I roll over and go to pull Perrie in close but she's not there. I sit up and look around. Um, where's Perrie. I stand up and go to head out the door but here her sigh from in the little part at the end of our room. I slowly make my way around there and see her looking out the window. What's she doing?

I walk over and snake my hands around her waist. I feel her tense a little but continue to rest my chin on her right shoulder. What the heck is that?

I look at the thing she's holding in her right hand. A- a- a ultrasound picture. I look at the name on the top of the scan. 


"Pep?" I ask groggily standing up and removing my hands from her waist so I can rub my eyes. When I open them Perrie is facing me holding the scan in her hands still. She shakily hands me the scan and I look at it before moving down to her stomach. I can't see anything due to the fact she's got a flowy top on. I don't even know how far pregnant she is. 

"Come on, let's talk about this is the morning," I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my hips as I carry her back to our bed. I lay her on her side and hop in next to her. I pull her in close and wrap my arms around her waist. 

"I love you, and our baby," I whisper in her ear. Our baby. 


I wake up and see Perrie sleeping peacefully next to me. The covers are down around her thighs and she has her arms sprawled above her head. I chuckle a little at how cute she looks until I see that her top has come up and there's a little bump. Recognisable but not if you don't know what her stomach normally looks like. 

I wonder what our baby will look like. Probably darkish skin, dark hair, Perrie's eyes would be adorable although they may get my eyes. If it is a girl she can do ballet if she wants, or play football and hopefully be artistic and if it's a boy he can play football or do ballet, I wouldn't care. I'll just protect them with my life along with protecting their Mummy. 

I look at Perrie who is slightly snoring, which is adorable. I place my hand on her cold bump and draw circles with my fingers. 

"That's cute." I look up and see Perrie waking up with a smile on her face. She rubs her face and then looks at me, still smiling. I don't know how to reply so I just scoot closer to Perrie and kiss her forehead whilst rolling on top of her. She laughs. 

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