Chapter Fity- Two: Happiness

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{Zayn's POV}

Jesy and Niall return with bags of chips, lollies, chocolate bars and bottles of water and juice. We all take some food and I open my orange juice and open Perrie's for her. Jesy takes Ellie and sits on the other side of Perrie whilst chatting to her.

There's a knock on the closed, blue door and Louis jumps up to check it.

"Hello!" He cheers to whoever is on the other side of the door. He allows the people entry and my parents and sisters walk into the room. Ooops! Forgot to tell them again....

"How'd you?" I ask a little confused. Safaa points at Liam and I thank him. He just smiles and goes back to chatting to Jade and Harry. Louis and Leigh- Anne have got up off the floor now.

Mum rushes over and hugs me and Perrie before the others repeat what she just did. They then all crowd around the bed to look at Ellie.

"What gender?" Safaa looks at the baby in Jesy's arms. Ellie is wrapped in a white blanket and has a grey beanie on her head.

"Girl." Jesy hands the baby over to my Mum. My sisters cheer and we all laugh.

"Um, we have to go." Louis says standing with Liam, Harry, Jade, Leigh- Anne and Niall. Jesy joins them and they all say goodbye before exiting the room. Okay, now I know we're strange but that was just really random...


{Perrie's POV}

Zayn's family came and went, with many tears and laughs. My Mum and brother came and went and Eleanor, Ella, Asha and Tulisa have come and gone.

It's now nine at night and that means Ellie's been around for twelve hours and fifteen minutes. Zayn sits down on the bed next to me and a nurse comes into the room.

"Hi. How are things in here?" She smiles walking over. We reply that they're great! Ellie has been an angel all day but I have a feeling that will change when we get home. The nurse checks out that Ellie is okay and says we can dress her in her own clothes in a minute.

"Do you want to try and feed her?" The nurse asks me. I agree and the nurse shows my how to feed Ellie. Once she's feeding the nurse says I can leave tomorrow morning and wishes us good luck.

"Does that feel weird?" Zayn asks pointing at our little girl, attached to my breast as she drinks milk. That sounds so weird and yes it does feel weird.

"Um yeah." I nod and laugh a little. I look down at Ellie who is looking up at me as she feeds. She starts making noises as she tries to breath and drink.

"Yes you're gorgeous." I nod at my baby and kiss her forehead gently.

Once Ellie finishes we change her into the onesie the girls bought her, the only onesie we have and leave the beanie on her head. Zayn swaddles her in the blanket again and places her into the crib, placing the toy duck beside her.

Once he's put Ellie down he walks across to me and cups my face in his hands, moving his head so our faces are centimetres apart. "I love you and Ellie so damn much." His lips smack into mine and I kiss him back.

"I love you too." I mumble through the kiss and then we part as I lie down in bed and Zayn goes and lies down on the couch. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep, knowing my family is happy and safe.


{Louis' POV}

"They're here!" Asha's voice yells from in the big spare room that you can see the driveway from. The others all charge down the stairs and I take on more look at the little nursery before shutting the door and charging down the stairs and into Zerrie's lounge room as we wait for them.

{Zayn's POV}

I lock the capsule into the back seat of the car and rub Ellie's little cheek gently before getting into the driver's seat next to Perrie.

"Right! Let's take our baby home." I smile and start the car, driving towards our home. We haven't heard from our bandmates all night and this morning, which is really weird...

Soon we're home and I park the car in the driveway. Perrie grabs the bags and I grab Ellie's capsule out of the car. We really need to go shopping because all we have is Asha's old crib and change table. Nothing more or nothing less. Oh! Plus Ellie's onesie she's wearing, the stuff we bought a month ago and the toy duck.

Perrie leads as we head down the hall and into the living area where Niall, Ella, Jesy, Jade, Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Ella, Asha, Liam and Leigh- Anne are all standing. They cheer and we laugh, until I see they look like the walking dead and have dirty old clothes on that are covered in paint and dust.

"Did you guys sleep last night?" I ask placing the capsule on the floor. They all shake their heads and Perrie and I give them shocked looks.

"How about you take Ellie upstairs. We'll wait here." Louis smirks and Perrie and I shoot them confused looks. I'm kind of worried that they've done something to our house.

I pick up Ellie's capsule and we head up the stairs. When we get to the area at the top of the stairs I notice on of the smaller sized rooms has the door closed. It's the one right next to the master bedroom and above the door in white letters is Ellie's name.

"What's have they done?" Perrie asks and we walk over. Perrie pushes open the door and we walk in, completely gobsmacked. I stand in the middle of the room looking around.

In one corner there is a white crib and above it is Ellie Alia in white wooden block letters. Inside the crib is a knitted red blanket, elephant print sheets, red pillows and little toys. Strapped to the inside end of the crib is a little interactive toy thing and above her crib is a mobile.

On the wall the door opens onto are four pictures, each with a Dr. Seuss quote in them. The first is 'a person's a person no matter how small', the second is 'think and wonder, wonder and think', the next 'why fit in when you were born to stand out?' and the final is 'kid, you'll move mountains'.

On the wall above the photos in script block letters is 'Spread Your Wings My Little Butterfly'. That's so adorable!

The walls are light blue with white polka dots on the bottom half and a navy sort of blue on the top. The fifty centimetre wide, floor to ceiling window in one corner is blocked by a white rocking chair with two pillows on it and a vomit rag over the handle. On the wall opposite the one the door opens onto are two shelves with books on them. Dr. Seuss books, Peter Rabbit books and Charlie and Lola books. Above the shelf in small white block letters is the alphabet.

Below the shelves, rested on the floor is a chest stuffed with kids toys of all kinds. On the wall the door is on there's a chest of draws with all sorts of baby things on top of it, including a baby monitor. Next to the chest of draws there's a change table, the actual changing mat has the same pattern as the sheets in the crib. On the shelves of the change table are nappies, towels, baby wipes and lotions.

On the floor is a fluffy navy blue rug and there are silver stars strung across the room up towards the ceiling. I place Ellie's capsule down and open the draws. They are stuffed with baby clothes, accessories, blankets and shoes.

"This is amazing!" Perrie looks around in awe. It really is, we have the best friends in the world. This nursery is fantastic. I look down at Ellie who is fast asleep. I pick her up out of the capsule and place her carefully into the crib. I pull the knitted red blanket over her and then step back and wrap my arm around Perrie's waist as we watch Ellie sleeping.

"We're so lucky Zayn." Perrie mumbles. I nod and kiss her forehead before we downstairs to thank the others. When we arrive they're all asleep on our couches, coffee table and even the floor. Zayn and I last and join them. I snuggle up in Jesy's arms and Zayn lies down next to Niall.

We're all happy and that's the main thing. Although we might all be hurting somehow, we're all lucky to have each other and I know we will always be there for each other because there's something we all share and that's love for each other.

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness."

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