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''Jimin is more important!,'' 

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''Jimin is more important!,'' 

Those 4 words were all it took for Taehyung to break down into sobs, pushing the muscled boy out of his small house and into the pouring rain. 

The last thing he saw before he slammed the door was Jungkooks face - that was clearly full of guilt. 

Taehyung clutched onto his chest and sobbed violently, his small frame shaking with each wail. Thoughts invaded his head like what did he do wrong? was he that unlovable? was he too fat?

This particular thought made him look down at his own bony wrist as negative thoughts floated through his head. A few fresh lines had cut across it recently, ever since Jungkook had started neglecting him again.

The rest were all old, forgotten days of his father abusing him, his hate for his own body.

Recently - as in 4 or 5 months now - Taehyung had stopped eating. Jungkook had found his childhood friend Jimin (whom he had a crush on, by the way) and completely neglected Taehyung. 

Taehyung was what some would call, a broken soul. He depended on Jungkook dearly, as he didn't have anyone else to depend on. Yeah, he had friends but unbeknownst to Jungkook himself he was the one who saved Taehyung.

Befriending him at school at age 11, when the older boy had start to cut and began to develop an eating disorder, Jungkook brought Taehyung out to play - exactly  before his father went to work.

The abuse stopped and Taehyung found the courage to finally ring the police. Moral of the story is, his dad would not be in jail if it weren't for Jungkook.

So when Jungkook - his knight in shining armor - neglected him? That hurt. Too much.

With these thoughts in mind Taehyung made his way to the kitchen, bringing out a small pen knife.

Flipping the top open, he slowly dragged the knife across his wrist, cutting as deep as possible.

He then realized, across was not the way to go - downwards. He didn't want to live anymore.

Shutting his eyes, he gouged down the middle of his arm cutting deeply, hearing the blood gushing out. He opened his eyes to a gory sight - blood staining the kitchen floor.

He began to feel light headed, and the last thing he saw before closing his eyes was a shocked Jungkook running towards him.

author apologizes i published early this is really sad m'sorry

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