#2 -Arthur

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Shamus sniffed, "We walked past a pub. Dad was there. He was drunk. He started fighting with Al. There was blood everywhere. Al got knocked unconscious so I grabbed him and dragged him away whilst dad's mates held him back. Then I had call him an ambulance. He was barely breathing. I had to stay with him until the ambulance came. That's why I'm late. Sorry."
Arthur couldn't stop tears rolling down his own cheeks, and it seemed like his brothers were doing the same. Yes, Alistor was annoying. And yes, he never leaves you alone when your busy. And yes, he can be the cruelest brother in the world. But at the same time, Alistor was always there. Whenever their dad wasn't, he stepped in and took on the role of the father. In fact, Alistor was more of a dad than their actual father would ever be. And to hear that he's hurt...it was devastating.
Everyone ate their food in an uncomfortable silence that night. The table lacked the usual jokes and stories about their day. It was just quiet. Eventually, Shamus stood up.
"I'm gonna call the hospital. See how he is. I'll let you know how he's doing."

Arthur left most of his food untouched. He wasn't hungry anyway. Now he was curled up in his bed, wrapped in layers of blankets, his laptop besides him, the bright screen causing his eyes to squint. Minty was snuggled up against him. In an attempt to distract himself from the current situation, especially as the doctors wouldn't tell Shamus anything, Arthur continued to browse LukasDoesMagic's channel. With a sigh, he opened his mail and began to type away.

Dear Lukas
                     I don't know where to start. I just need to let off some steam. I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't even know your email address. I guess this is just a weird way of coping.
It's just...why is my family so dysfunctional? I hate it. My dad...I don't know where I stand with him. He's a brilliant dad and I absolutely love him, but not when he drinks alcohol. He turns into a monster. Just today he beat my brother up (He's in hospital now, we don't know if he's okay though because the doctors won't tell us because they'll only tell my dad, but he's not even home yet so I presume he's still out drinking.) and I just wish my family could get along like they did before my mum died. We used to have so much fun together. I miss those times.
I wish I could have your life. Everything seems so fun. I'd love it. You really make me happy, I always grin when I see you've uploaded a new video. I love your magic tutorial!
                              Yours Truly,
                               Arthur Kirkland.

Arthur smiled softly. Although he couldn't actually send the message to Lukas (Understandably, he didn't share his email), just being able to rant helped Arthur feel much better.
"Okay, Minty, I'm going to sleep now. It's almost midnight." He whispered, placing his laptop on the floor, forgetting to turn it off. He quickly put his pyjamas on and got into bed, the warm blankets shielding him from the bitter cold that was an English winter. Arthur fell asleep quickly, he was exhausted after a long day at school and then the news about Alistor.
Around 1am, a quiet 'ding' emitted from his laptop, although Arthur was blissfully unaware as he was consumed by sleep.

1 New Email From: LukasBondevik@Googlemail.com

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