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I walked around the school my stepmother sent my stepsisters. It was beautiful. It had a million classrooms and libraries and it was fit for royalty. I could only image how many servants were expected to keep this building in top notch shape. I myself planned on going to this Academy but I knew I would have to come on a scholarship. My stepmother would never pay for me to go here. In fact i was surprised when she told me if I could find my own way to pay for it that she would let me go.

I walked into what seemed to be a English class. There were posters with encouraging words and the classroom was full of bright colors. Not to far from me was a girl with crazy curly hair. It was as red as a ripe apple and came down to her mid back. She had cute orange freckles that dotted her milk white skin. Her blue eyes were like two hand crafted diamonds straight off of the Kings crown. She wore a worn out dark blue dress with a gold necklace with a locket at the bottom. A smile covered her face showing off her perfectly straight white teeth. The girl looked up at me and started to walk to where I was.

" Hey, my name is Merida. I didn't see you last semester are you new?" She questioned.

"Actually yes, you might know my stepsisters though, Anastasia and Drizella. One has red hair, and is kind of clumsy. The other has dark brown hair and is kinda snobby."

Merida rolled her eyes at me and walked away. I could only assume she didn't like my stepsisters. She meet up with another group of girls so I decided to take a seat. The school was allowing me to come for a week to see how well I did so I was determined not to mess things up. A girl sat down next to me and just stared. I couldn't help wonder what she was staring at. She had creamy caramel skin with long choppy white hair. She had sky blue eyes and a tattoo on her left check. It was a simple tattoo, just two slightly curved lines the color of her eyes. She wore very little clothing almost like a two piece bathing suit. The clothes she did have on were also blue.

"Is your hair always blonde?" The girl looked at me perplexed

Shocked I responded," Ummm yes I was born with blonde hair"

"Oh" she responded and then looked away and didn't say a word more.

I wondered why she would ask such a strange question. Before I could wonder much the class started. A average height woman with average hair walked in. All the girls rushed to their seats.

"Hello I am Mrs. Beauty and before anyone ask yes I am Aurora beauty's mother. Some say my daughter is sweet but even if that is true I am not sweet so don't expect this class to be easy for stupid reasons. Such as I'm friends with your daughter or your suppose to be sweet or do u know who my father is? Alrighty since we're done with that let's start the class."

English was hard but I caught on pretty quick. Although Mrs Beauty said she wasn't sweet she seemed to patient with me every time I needed help. I think I'm going to like this school. My next class was Art taught by Jane Porter. I heard that last year she locked four types of endangered birds in a small cage so she could draw them and then illegally let them go. I didn't really know what to expect but I wasn't expecting what I got.

Jane porter was so innocent looking and barely old enough to be a teacher. She looked as though there wasn't a bad bone in her body. When she drew she looked like pure happiness. And she was an amazing drawer too. She never criticized her work to harshly and although she didn't always say your work was amazing she found a way to kindly give you suggestions that made your work even better. She kept her long straight light brown hair in a messy bun and wore a yellow dress.

To start Art class off we were assigned partners that we would work with the whole semester. I was so excited. Once it was my turn to find a partner excitement threatened to make me sick. Then a tall girl walked up. She was very much taller than me and had big bright brown eyes. She had mocha skin and long straight dark brown hair. She wore a light brown dress with several beads as accessories. She had flat brown shoes on with big full red lips. She looked down at me as I looked up. She gave me this big smile and stuck out her hand. I gladly took it and we went to our station to begin painting.

As I got our assignment the girl began collecting supplies we would need. When I got back I noticed the array of paints the girl had gotten us and the limited paintbrushes we had.

"So I'm Cinderella, it's nice to meet you," I said confidently

" My name is Pocahontas. It is nice to meet you Cinderella. That is quite and unusual name you have."

"My mother named me after her aunt." I said

"Well your name is quite uniques" she said before getting to work.

We were working well together and it seemed to good to be true until, it happened. In every moment there is good but the good is followed by the bad. As we were painting Pocahontas stopped me and ripped the paper I was painting on. She glared down into my soul as I sat there in confusion.

"Is this how you celebrate the wrongs you do." She screamed," by painting you and your despicable family eating waisting an animals life?"

I looked down at the torn paper. I was painting a scene from my everyday life where I was cleaning and scrubbing dishes that stacked a mile high. I noticed in my painting the plates were still full of food which must have been what she was referring to. She looked back at me again before storming out of the classroom. After that I realized that I was gonna have a hard time fitting in here. All my other classmates looked at me disgusted before Mrs Porter could come and escort me out of the class. The last thing that I thought of before exiting was if I can't get along with the other students as well as do well I'll never get that scholarship.

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