Snow White

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I passed out in the middle of the school hallway. Of course the nurse checked for food poisoning but it was in fact the opposite. I was starving myself because I was to scared to eat much more than a nibble of anything. With the Evil Queen back my life has been way different. A week ago I was that fun cool girl, who loved her life and threw parties every week. Now I'm the sickly girl that's terrified of everything and who now hates her life. This was the third time I passed out this week.

"If it's not food poisoning what do you think it is." The nurse asked obviously not concerned.

"I told you, I just caught a bug last week. It makes me throw up a lot so u just need to go home rest and eat."

That was all true I was sick last week and I did keep throwing up. Unfortunately it wasn't the sickness that made me throw up. Every time I tried to eat I got so scared. I thought as long as it came up in time I would be fine. Therefore I was forcing myself to throw it up. I've lost a considerable amount of weight but no one but my friends cared. That's how this school is. As long as your not killing anyone they could care less what happened.

As I walked back to class I was greeted by many people asking if I was feeling better. I knew they didn't care about me. What they really wanted to know was when my next party would be. Some were even bold enough to ask just that after seeing if I was feeling better. My head was spinning. If I don't start eating soon I'll die but if I eat food that's poisoned I'll die. I wished that things could go back to what they were.

As I was passing the cafeteria I saw the shadow man. He was pouring a liquid into some food. Then he packed the food up and I decided to follow him and see what he was up to. He walked for a long while until he stopped in front of Vanellope's locker. He opened the lock and placed the food inside. Then he headed off.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone came out for lunch. Vanellope was the first one and she dashed to her locker, hurdling over people and through crowds. I couldn't keep track off her so I decided I would meet her in the cafeteria. When I got there she was already there with the bag that the shadow man had left. I ran up to her before she could take a bite and grabbed all her food and threw it into the trash can. She looked up at me in anger and confusion.

"What did I ever do to you. That lunch may not have been up to your liking but it was all I had. Now it's in the trash." She complained

" That's where you got it from anyway Glitch you live in trash. And your trash at running and that's why I heard you came in third in your last meet" I heard someone yell.

At first Vanellope looked hurt as she tried to see who said that but then She just glared back at me, as though I knew this would happen.

"I'm so sorry I didn't..." I started but she ran off. I went to run after her but she was much faster than me. I kept running when I found her she was a little ways in front of me sitting on a bench crying. I went to approach her when the shadow man Gaston and Jafar stepped in front of me from out of no where.

"Aren't you three suppose to be at the boys academy" I hissed trying to get around them

"Well yes but when did people like us follow rules" jafar said

"Jafar your no person your a snake" I hissed

"And your anorexic and bulimic" he said with a wide grin.

I turned around and started running from then but like I said earlier I'm not that fast. They caught up to me in no time and positioned themselves around me.

"Not so fast there Snow" Gaston said

"Yes you see we have some information that you will want to hear but I want something from you in return" the shadow man said sticking out his hand" I'll give you information to hurt the Evil Queen as much as she hurt you but in return you will do me a favor."

I thought about it. If they wanted to hurt me they would have done it by now and I did really want revenge. In fact I wanted revenge so much it pushed me to make a deal with a villain. I stuck my hand out and shook it. A grin spread across all their faces as I shook his hand. Then I quickly let go. The shadow man put his hand deep in his pocket and pulled out a jar with a liquid in it. The jar was about as big as a student pencil sharpener and it was round and red. The glass part was tinted red but the rim was black with red designs. He then handed the jar to me.

"We both know that the Evil Queen only loves one thing in this world. Her beauty. This...drink...will simply take that from her. Of course not forever because that wouldn't be even justice. It will though haunt her for the rest of her life. This drink will turn her into what she will look like in the future. And can I say it's not pretty. From then on she'll worry about when she starts turning ugly." Jafar said

"Ok what's the catch, what is this favor you want from me"

"Well I don't really want anything right now but when I do I'll be sure to come tell you"

"Why should I believe you" I hissed

"Well all three of us hate the Evil Queen almost as much as you do. We would do the honors ourselves but we only get one strike then we're out of the Academy for good. You see if you get caught you have almost endless strikes." The shadow man explained

"And one more thing" gaston said" if you happen to tell anyone that we were included in this little event I'll will take it upon myself to ruin your life. I'm really creative it might be to frame you for your friends uhm disappearance or maybe you and the Evil Queen will finally come together as a family" he grinned.

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