New Line

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Cops were speeding down the street, none of them stopped for anything. Cars shifted to the side of the road to let the police cars pass, then resumed to their daily lives. As the cops got closer and closer to their destination, the head cop could feel goose bumps form on his arms and legs. His fuzzy brown hair began to feel warm under his cop hat, his soft mustache began to feel prickly.

"Head chief! We're five blocks away from the destination!" One of the policemen called through the radio.

"I told you not to call me head chief! Call me by my name!" He demanded back.

"Sorry Robert!"

"That's better!" Robert places his radio talker back in its original slot. "I seriously hope it's not her again." He said under his breathe.

"Chief Robert, we have a situation!" A cop called through the radio.

Robert picked it up. "What is it!"

"I-It's her!" He yelled through the small device.

He sighed. "Okay..." he placed the device back in its slot and continued to speed down the road.

When he arrived, he noticed a girl beating up grown adults. She punched them and kicked them until they were knocked out or they ran away.

Richard knew who this girl was, she took "no" for an answer, she didn't do drugs, and she didn't stop for nothing. He knew how this girl handled things but tends to trick them every single time.

Robert looked around and noticed that they were under a highway bridge, the darkness shaded their fight. It was also an abandoned sewer line, where they stood held a few pounds of water and was 3 feet below ground. A three inched hole where nothing existed except for fights.

"One more hit and it's all over." Robert said to the few cops around him.

"What do you you me-" The cop didn't finish his sentence before the last punch was heard and the man fell into a coma.

Robert walked down the 3 inch slope and into the abandoned sewer.

"Where are you going chief?" One of the cops asked

"Don't worry, I know her to well. She won't hurt cops and she definitely won't hurt me." He continued to walk down the slope.

The girl started to walk towards them, with fear the other cops started to pull out there guns and aim at the shadowed unseeable figure. The girl stopped at the sight of the guns.

"Put your guns away!" Chief Robert ordered. "You can't harm an unarmed person anyways!"

The cops slowly lowered their guns and the girl continued to walk forward. The chief stopped a couple feet from the darkness, the girl stopped at the edge of the darkness.

"It's been awhile." The Chief said in a low voice.

"Did you miss me?" The girl said in a soft clear voice.

"Probably not as much as you missed me." He said jokingly.

The girl was still not completely visible but he knew she was smiling.

"Why hide in the dark?" Robert asked.

"I like it better in the dark but if you want me to come into the light, that's no problem." She replied.

Robert nodded and the girl started to walk into the light. Her black sneakers became visible, her light blue shorts had a few drops of blood on them, her greenish/blue t-shirt was off one of shoulder, revealing her shoulder and her sports braw strap. Her caramel eyes and long light brown hair sparkled in the light. Her hair was somewhat pulled up into a ponytail but most of it was down.

The cops wowed at the young girls beauty.

The girl smiled at them with delight.

"Looks like you've been working out Faith." Robert said with a smile.

"Well, I have to keep my body active. It's really important for a 16 year old girl." She smiled.

"Wheres the rest of you squad?" He asked looking around him.

Faith smiled. "They might be around here, they might be at the base, who knows?"

Robert frowned. "Well, your their leader! You should know where they are!"

She put her hand in front of her and pointed her finger upwards, she shook her finger side to side. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should know when someone is showing sarcasm. Of course I know where everyone is, it's my job." She smiled but this time, she added a slight grin.

He smiled. "So, do you have an escape route this time?"

"Of course I do but I'm not going to tell you where it is." She put her hands on her hips.

"Aw, but thats no fun." He said with a fake frown.

"No, the real fun is you trying to catch me."

Robert expected a movement from her body but she didn't move. "Your not going to move?" He asked

"Nope, don't you want information before I go? I'll give you 3 questions." She said teasingly.

He frowned. "Fine, why did you, a 16 year old, knock out 20-35 year old men?"

"Because they were on our terfs and they were starting to piss me off." She answered honestly.

"What were they planning?"

Faith held her finger up to her chin. "Not sure but if I had to guess.....they were planning on placing drugs around our area so cops can find our hide out!"

Robert frowned then smiled. "What is your escape route?"

Faith frowned before she snapped her fingers and went straight up in the air. She landed on top of the bridge and took off the harness that was connected to the bridge. Two other guys were next to her. "How about I just show you!" She yelled down to him and started to run.

Robert sighed and ordered everyone to get back in their cars. Everyone did as they were told and started to drive off towards the 16 year old delinquent.

By the time the cops got to where the harness was, the three kids were already down the street. They sped down the street, Faith saw this coming and ordered the other two to split up. One boy went left, the other boy went straight, and Faith went down an alley to the right. The alley was big enough for a car to go through but Faith was counting on that.

A few moments later, Robert came after her in his white and blue police car. Two other cars went after the other two.

Robert saw her run away from his car so he stepped on the gas peddle. The car lunged farward as it caught up to the girl, Faith quickly turned around, stepped on the hood of the car, and did a back flip onto a fire escape ladder. His car sped down the alley until it stopped and started to back up. Faith headed up the ladder and found herself on top of the roof of the building.

Robert had to back out of the alleyway completely in order to get out of his car. Once he was out, he ran into the building and climbed the stair to the very top. He opened the door to the roof but found nothing.

"Darn it! Faith got away!" He said with an angered voice. He returned to his car and spoke to everyone else on the radio. "Leader got away."

"Boy got away." One of the cops responded

"Same here."

Robert was mad, she was one of the most wanted delinquents and he failed every single time. "Her movements are incredible, her reaction time is outstanding, and her flexibility is outrageous! Where did she learn how to do that? Who taught her how to do those tricks?"

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now