Greater Good

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"Y-you have to shut her down...." The doctor said out of breath.

"W-What do you mean?" Kazuto asked.

"You have to stop her for good, if she continues like this this she will slaughter most of the city. I'm pretty sure army tanks can go up against her."

"Army tanks? You want to use army tanks on a teenage girl?!" Asuna yelled furiously.

"It might be the only way to stop her beside using her own power against her. The more she uses her power the more strength and power she possesses. Since Hime recently figured it out she doesn't have as much power as Faith does, she will be killed if she keeps this up."

"You don't know Hime like we do, when they first fought Hime won! We believe in her abilities!" Kazuto said angrily.

"Listen, Hime is an agent right? She has the upper hand in force but Faith has lived the delinquent life for a long time. She has strategy on her side and by experience, strategy mostly wins."

Kazuto looked at their fight, Faith cut Hime a couple times but Hime managed to get a few punches in.

"Look Kazuto, I'm sorry about what I did in the past but if Hime continues to fight like this she will lose her strength and her energy in a number of minutes. And if she continues to fight past her limit, she will end up like Faith."

"W-Why should we trust you?" Kazuto wrapped his arms around Asuna.

"There's a reason why I did all those thing. Even though I designed serum 0-4 I don't know how to stop it. That's why kidnapped Faith, to collect some of her blood and figure out how to prevent serum 0-4 from going out of control. Our world is at stake here, between you, Hime, and Faith. The power is so much greater than you think."

Kazuto looked over at his two daughters and noticed all the cuts they put into each other has healed in seconds. "So they can regenerate?"

The doctor nodded. "Since the power can make things in the body go faster, it can make your cells work 10x as hard. Making them heal your wounds in seconds.

Kazuto noticed the gun shot wound in Faiths stomach, it still hasn't healed yet. "Why isn't her stomach wound regenerating?" Kazuto asked.

The doctor looked at the fight that was going on between the two girl. "I don't know, maybe it's because the bullet is still in her?"

Kazuto thought for a moment. "What is the bullet made off?"

"Manganese, iron, and different types of vitamins." He replied.

"Those are different minerals that stop the body from healing and if the bullet is made out of it then the wound can't heal right away."

"Are you saying we should shoot her?" Asuna said with tears in her eyes.

"I honestly don't know what to do, if we let her go on like this hundred of people's lives will be at stake but if we finish her off right now then we will save everyone."

"Either way, she will die...." The doctor said quietly.

"What!" Kazuto said irritatedly.

"Once she gets out of her tantrum, her energy will be so low that she will technically die. Hime might live but that depends on how much energy she uses in her attacks."

Asuna began to cry. "I don't think I could handle losing another child."

Kazuto stroke her hair. "Is there anything we can do?"

The doctor thought for a moment. "I could possibly put some manganese and iron in an antidote with different vitamins but the real challenge is how to give it to her."

"We will leave that Hime." He smiled

"Do you have a plan?" Asuna asked.

He nodded. "It's not going to be easy." He turned to the fight, it was far more intense than before. They were starting to do more flips and spins and less dodging. He could tell Hime was getting tired but she only had to do one more thing. "How fast can you mix that up?"

The doctor sighed. "It will take me 10 minutes."

"Okay, That should be fine. We will try to help Hime as much as possible." Kazuto looked at Asuna who nodded with agreement.

The doctor nodded too and went around the fight to get back into the place they barely came out of.

"How do we know we can trust him?" Asuna asked.

"We're going to have to, our daughters life is at stake."

"Kazuto her life is at stake either way, just one way seems like it has a solution to her problem." Asuna hugged him and started to cry. "I hope she doesn't die! I don't want to lose her!"

Kazuto strokes her back. "I don't want to lose her either."

Faith swung her sword at Hime which missed by a couple centimeters from Himes arm, Hime saw an opening and kneed her in the gut. Faith was paralyzed for a couple seconds and that when Hime got on top of Faith and pinned her to the ground. She had her arms behind her back and held them there, she squirmed but Himes body weight held her down.

"Good job Hime!" Kazuto yelled.

Hime could feel her power slipping away but she needed to hold onto it until the doctor came back. Kazuto and Asuna ran towards them.

"Hime I'll hold her while you rest!" Kazuto suggested. Hime and Kazuto quickly switched spots and Kazuto was holding her down. Even though he was a guy and he was bigger and stronger than her, she was almost able to knock him off her. His eyes changed a little bit which held Faith to the ground.

Asuna was tending to Hime wounds when the doctor came back up with the antidote. "Okay I have the antidote!" He said approaching them.

"Hurry, put it in her arm." Kazuto said when he noticing Faith was getting stronger.

The doctor quickly stuck the needle in her arm and inserted the liquid. Faith started to get weaker and weaker as time went on. Eventually she was unconscious.

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now