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Kazuto was in the kitchen getting a little snack at 10:30 at night. He opened the fridge before he heard footsteps running down the stairs. He looked behind the fridge door and saw Faith running out the door.

"Faith!" He yelled.

She didn't answer.

"Faith get back here!" He yelled again.

She didn't answer, she ran out the front door.

Kazuto sighed and and followed her but by the time he opened the front door, she was gone. He went back inside and found Asuna in the bedroom, reading.

"Asuna!" He yelled.

"Why are you yelling?"

"Faith is gone! She ran out of the house in a hurry!"

Asuna could tell he was panicking from his voice. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She's 16 years old and she can take car of herself."

"I don't know I have a bad feeling about this...." he sat down on the bed near Asunas leg.

"I know our daughter, she's fine."

Kazuto thought for a moment. "How do you know she'll be fine? Do you know what she's been up to?"

Asuna didn't say anything at first. "I have faith."

Kazuto was getting impatient. "Can you tell me where Faith has been running off to?"

Asuna stares into his eyes before answering. "Really? Your still on that?"

"I can't help it, she's my daughter and I need to find out where she's going. Can you tell me where she's going or at least give me a hint."

Asunas face was serious. "Honey, I already told you that if you want information, ask her."

Kazuto sighed. He heard the front door open and close, Faith was home.

He went downstairs and saw Faith walk towards the stairs, she seemed a little shakin up and distracted. Didn't even realize Kazuto was standing there, she walked up to her room and Kazuto followed.

She opened her bedroom door and sat on her bed, she sighed.

Kazuto knocked on her open door and came in. "Hey, where did you run off to?" He asked calmly.

She shook her head. "It was nothing, I had to take care of something important."

Kazuto wanted to start questioning her about her secret but he knew that she would get upset if he forced questions. "I'm going to be honest with you, I've been really worried about you?"

Faith stared at him for a few seconds before looking away. "Dad.....please don't bring this up....."

Kazuto sighed. "I'm worried about you, I need to know where you've been sneaking off to."

Faith didn't say anything.

"Please......" Kazuto pleaded.

She turned her face completely away from his sight. "Do you know why I haven't told you about my secret?" She asked quietly.

He didn't say anything, something told him it had to do with his reactions.

"You over react to everything I do and since I'm part of something important and intense, I know you'll over react for sure..."

Faith was right, if what she's doing is 'intense' then he will over react but still.....he needed to know what she was doing. "Faith.... did you tell your mother what you've been doing?"

Faith shook her head. "She figures it out herself."

"Did you give her any hints?" He asked

She put her finger on her chin, thinking of any hint she might've gave her. "I didn't give her any hints purposely but she figured it out by simple mistakes."

"What kind of mistakes?" He asked thinking he could figure it out by the same hints.

"I brought some of my friends over and she figured it out by how they talked, how we dressed, and what I did...."

He thought for a moment but still couldn't figure it out.

"Anyway.....I'm tired and I need to get to bed." She said with a tired voice.

"O-Of course, I'll see you tomorrow." He kisses her forehead and started to walk out. "I love you Faith, I love you more than anything..." He walked out of the room and headed towards his room.

When he walked into his bedroom, he found Asuna sleeping towards his side of the bed. Her lamp that was on her night stand was still on, left it on for him.

He sighed and smiled as he walked over to Asuna and kissed her on the cheek. He turned off her light, walked to his side of the bed, and laid down. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before he heard movement and felt Asuna lay on his chest.

"What did you talk to Faith about?" She asked quietly.

He sighed. "I talked to her about her secret..."

Asuna sighed. "Your still bugging her about that?"

"I know that I can over react at some points but there's another reason why she's not telling me...How did you do it?"

Asuna climbed on top of him and gazed down with her beautiful eyes. "I happened to be there when all the puzzle pieces were available, I just put them together and the answer was clear."

"How did you react to the news?" He asked.

Asuna places her hand on his cheek. "I was surprised but I acted calmly....honestly I was totally against it but I support her. As her parents, we have a special connection with her. We have a special connection with all of our children....they might not share the same connection but it's a connection that they don't have with anybody else. They depend on our guidance, support, and comfort when things get tough and we also need to support them no matter how bad their decisions are."

Kazuto smiled. "I'm so thankful that I have you, you open my eyes to new things. And because of you, I have new life to look after, to care for, and to love. Our children are alive because of you...."

Asuna blushes. "Well....I didn't do all the work...."

Kazuto smiled. "You did most of the work, you carried them, you gave them life, and you worked for them."

"Don't be silly, you did just as much as I did. You are their inspiration, you worked for their happiness, you made sure we were safe and happy. You are everyone's protector."

Tears started to form in Kazutos eyes. "I love you Asuna!"

Asuna smiled. "I love you too."

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now