I shouldn't have let her go....

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I look at the wall that is in front of me and feeling my body grew colder as I see it was empty 


I thought as I stare at the white painted wall thinking why am I feeling cold even If it is the way its supposed to be but then I remember..



I was sitting on the sofa while hugging a girl and pulling her closer to me. she giggled and turn over to face me, her long (h/c) hair was swept along the movement as she turn and her (e/c) eyes glittered like they were stars that almost twinkled underneath the dark sky while her smile shines like the beautiful sun herself. 

"Uta, that tickles"

she says with her melodic voice that I would love to hear every single day. I pulled her on to my chest and she yelps as a suprise.

"ah, uta!"

"stay like this.."

as she was about to complain with her puffed up cheeks but suddenly gives me a gentle look in her eyes and her smile just suddenly glowed once more.

"I understand.."

she strokes my face with her soft (s/c) hands, how I wish this lasted as I closed my eyes embracing her while smelling her ______ scent.

*end flashback* 

how I wish to be at her side and smell her addicting _______ scent as I smile remembering until I remembered why is she not here anymore, my smile just fade away as I remembered why did I let her go...

*another flashback*

I was in my work place thinking of a new design as I think of a new mask to create, I hear some soft knocks on the door but I didn't reply until I hear a voice.

"Uta? are you there?"

I did not reply as she kept on knocking but sighed.

"I'm coming in."

I hear the open as I just stare on my table that has a paper thats only left blank as I thought of a new design until a warm body was pressed on to my back.

"how are you?"

I pushed her away without even turning back just silently looking on the blank paper that is only left, until a few minutes later she snapped.


I did not turn to look at her as she sits there with a look that I cant even describe.

"Why?! I give you all my attention and yet you're only here, working everyday not even looking at me or even paying attention to me anymore!"

she shouts at me and yet I only look down at the desk with a blank paper placed on top 

"look at me dammit!"

as soon as she said that, I did look at her but with a blank look instead of me looking at her with a smile on my face I just scowled at her as if I don't care about her anymore.

"am I not that important anymore? is your work much more important than me?!"


she looks at me shock as if her heart has been crushed by my words and by the way I look at her meaninglessly.

"now. get out. I'm busy."

as soon as I said that I turn to look at the blank paper once again thinking for a new design for the masks that I'll be making, until I hear her getting up and say..

"fine....We're over!"

she slams the door harshly as I hear loud stomps of her footsteps running away from my work place...running away from me.

*end of flashback*

I look at the picture frame that I was holding on my hand and see her smiling face again, I saw a water drop on to the picture and touched to where it was dropping until I feel my tears running down my eyes.

"I shouldn't have let go"

as I hug the picture frame with tears pouring down more my eyes getting red and looked at her picture again.

"I shouldn't have let her go..."


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