△Chapter One: Detective's Mess△

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"Wake up, (Y/N), wake up," a gentle voice calls, "Today is an important day, wake up, (Y/N)!"

I groan and turn on the other side of the bed, pulling the bedsheet over my head and curling up in a ball.

"Five more minutes, mom..." I mumble, hopelessly trying to hang on to the last bits of the dream I was having. I already forgot most of what was my dream about, I only remember the color blue and a busy highway, nothing more and nothing less. Light suddenly hits my eyelids when the sheet is pulled away from me. With another annoyed grunt, I flutter my eyes open to take a look at the person who dared to wake me up.

"Good morning, (Y/N). It's 7 AM, the weather is mostly sunny, 23°C / 73°F, 54% humidity, with a chance of light rain in the afternoon."

"Did you really have to wake me up at 7, Aiden?" I ask the android as I lazily raise my head from my way too comfortable pillow. Funny how pleasant things become when you have to leave them.

"No need to get grumpy so early in the morning," Aiden chuckles softly, "I was making sure that you won't be late on your first day as a detective. I'm pretty sure you don't want to make a bad impression right on your first day, do you? I'll go prepare your breakfast while you ready yourself."

Aiden leaves my room, closing the door after him with a faint thud. I stretch my arms and take a deep breath. My first day as a detective? I thought this day would come slower, that I would be sitting next to the digital calendar praying for months to go faster. It feels like it's only been a week since my graduation from the detective school. Well, that's the benefit of wasting time on pointless activities for weeks at a time, I guess.

I take some clean clothes from my closet and head to the bathroom. After half an hour I'm freshly showered and dressed up in a somewhat fancy attire like I'm required, a white button-up shirt, a dark grey skirt and some dark tights. Boring as hell.

When I open my door I'm greeted by the smell of pancakes. Aiden really knows how to brighten my morning. On the small kitchen table, a plate of pancakes waits for me. They're so well made, golden and fluffy like in the commercials you see on the TV. I'm jealous of his cooking skills, ask me to make toast and I'll probably either burn the toast or burn the house, maybe both. Ask Aiden to cook the fanciest and difficult recipe you can come up with, he'll cook it to perfection and on top of that he'll make it look like it was effortless, just to fuel up your jealousy a little bit more. He does have the advantage of being an android, but still.

I take a big bite out of the pancake and enjoy the sweet taste while watching Aiden do the dishes.

"You might want to hurry with the eating. It will take you approximately an hour to get to the police station by car, judging by bad traffic. It's 7:49, leaving you about 11 minutes to walk around the station and get to the Cheif's office," the android informs me, speaking a bit louder so he won't be covered by the noise of the running water.

I stuff my mouth faster in response.

After a minute, I'm putting on my black flats and my suit jacket. I'm about to leave the apartment with my bag in my hand when  Aiden puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I think you forgot something," he says as he takes with his fingers a strand of my (H/C) hair. I only then realize how tangled it is.

I turn around to go to the bathroom, but he's faster and in less than 2 seconds he's back from the bathroom with my hairbrush in one hand and a hair tie in the other. He brushes my hair gently, so he won't pull my hair and braids it quickly in a perfect braid, leaving some fashionably messy strands to frame my face. Once again, I'm jealous of his skills. He's been living with me for more than ten years, so he gained a lot of experience when it comes to quick hairstyling since I'm not able to make anything more complicated than a ponytail look decent.

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