Chapter Two.

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Alana’s P.O.V

You know those ‘Code Black’ practises you have at school? Where everyone is told to hide under a desk, or huddle, or whatever? You never really think about having a real one of those until it happens. Well, it did. Just as Imogen picked up another picture book to pelt at me, the announcement came over the P.A system; ‘Students and staff, I am now enforcing a Code Black, this is not a drill. Follow the instructions of the staff. Do not disobey as this is for your safety’ the principal nearly screamed this message into his microphone. Our school was a safety first school, so we practised this nearly every month. We all had to crawl under a sheltered man-made object and stay calm and quiet. But what confused me is why the principal didn’t reinforce that message after every second word, like all teachers do. The sounds of distant screams and inhumane moaning filled the room, and then I saw it standing there. In the doorway to the library. My brain was in the mood to play 20 questions, but I had other plans. I ran. Like, I really, ran. As fast as my legs could take me, I guess a little faster because I was flailing and could literally see myself tripping over. But I ran. I didn’t know how far, I didn’t know for how long. But I just ran. Until I was sure whatever it was, was gone.  My head was spinning around like a carousel; my legs were ready to flop out, Alana in Gym class style. But my mind was stopping all of this. It was asking me so many questions that not even bloody Yahoo Ask could answer. That thing back there, in the library, it was EATING. PEOPLE. I swear, seriously. The last thing I saw in that place was one of them tearing off my friend Kristie’s shoulder, and eating it. This was some seriously freaky stuff, so when I pinched myself and didn’t wake up with a jolt, it came to my realisation that this is real. That for me was enough to take to my grave. I, Alana Jackson, was in a real, actual, non-fantasy, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. I seriously should’ve given myself this news slowly, instead of all at once, because I passed out. Fangirl style, onto the cold rocks. Whoopdedo Alana, you're officially a genius for that...

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