All At Once (Luke Hemmings)

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Hi! So I've been working on this as a personal project, but people keep telling me that I should put it out there. Here's the storyline, let me know if you like it :)

There's basically a zombie apocolypse and it hits South Dakota first. the main character, Alana, manages to escape while her entire town is left to die or be turned. she runs away and slays a bunch of zombies, but struggles to find shelter. then she meets (this sounds so clique) Luke Hemmings. he ran away aswell, but is a much better hunter/runner/survivor than Alana. After a rough start they find shelter, and Luke ends up falling for Alana. So one day he finally confesses to her that he likes her, and it's all cute and romantic and all until the next morning. They wake to find their camp trashed, and zombies still crawling the area. So Alana lingers out further while Luke sleeps, and ends up having to fight to her near death. She survives, but is only saved by a man who takes her hostage, and uses her to get food and to fufill his own sick fantasies. Alana decides to try and escape, but that only results in being shot in the chest. Luke manages to figure out where she is, and kill the man, but now he must struggle to save Alana. There are army troops everywhere and Luke and Alana haven't showered, eaten, or slept in weeks, so they must stay away from them. They escape to a secluded, abandoned beach where they find an old campsite. Alana is weak,  and bleeding and Luke doesn't know how much time he has to save her. The zombies migrated West of the state, and most of them are dead anyway. But they face other problems. Alana starts to slowly decay towards death. Until one night, Luke decides he will risk his own life for hers. He goes out one night searching for resources, and he finds a med-pack and food. But as he's leaving, he gets knived by a defensive man trying to take his stuff back. Luke runs back to Alana, but by the time he gets there he is fading fast. Although he's dying, he still manages to dress Alana's now-infected wound. But as darkness falls and Alana fights to save Luke, she realises that she loves him. After all this time, she never realised it, but now, as Luke slowly fades into the evening sky as a nearly deceased angels spirit she realises that he was her willpower to keep surviving. He got her to where she is and she realises that she can't let him go this way. So she tries extremely hard to save Luke, and it seems as if she has. When really, Luke is just worried that Alana is using up all of her energy, so he tells her that he's okay, and fakes a smile resulting in a tired Alana drifting straight off to sleep. That night, Luke dies. Alana wakes early to find that the troops have managed to destroy the zombie plague, and she is going to be saved and taken home. What she doesn't know, is that Luke had been taken away while she was sleeping, and was transported to his home town. She never even asked him where that was... There were so many things Luke left Alana clueless about. His hometown, his family, his band. As Alana is taken home, and is reunited with her family, she finds that Luke left behind more that just her. He left behind a large fandom of girls, the so called '5sos fam'. He never told her any of this. She didn't know how to feel. Angry, upset, confused. The suicidal thoughts rolled through her head. Luke was gone. So Alana goes a few weeks without eating, sleeping, talking, etc. Her family is obviously concerned, but never intervene. Alana makes it her mission to find out more about Luke. But what she doesn't know is why he never told her anything. It turns out Luke hid all this from her, for the exact reason he left his band and family behind when he escaped the plague in the first place. He was sick of his life, he was sick of the fame. He never even told Alana that his last name was Hemmings, because he was afraid she would treat him different. Luke felt alone in the months leading up to the invasion, he stopped tweeting, posting on Instagram. He stopped talking in general. It turns out he just didn't want this life. Alana thinks back to Lukes final moment with her. He told her not to worry, he told her he was okay. She was so happy, so she just gave up. Without even knowing she was giving up on him, she went to sleep, never to see Luke again. The thought of not knowing what was going on, the moment Luke left this decayed planet, brought so much pain to Alana. But from this point on, she knew that she would not give up. For Luke, she would keep fighting against the decayed inhabitants of this planet. For Luke, she would not let go...because of Luke, it all seems clear now. (If you guys really like it, I'll write a sequel.)

Sooo there you go. Let me know in the comments if you want me to keep going. Thankyouu <3


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