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            (This is my very first STAR WARS fan fiction. I know that it's not exactly the same as what most are used to, as in all my stories, I mostly love writing more emotional and human characters. To write a person punching someone in the face or shooting someone, anyone can write that. But to make two people express emotion and really make a reader feel the moment between those two characters, that's something special. The only way I saw it possible to humanize Phasma, was to take everything away from her. The weapons, her suit, right along with her pride and strength. But Rey, I still have a bit planned for her, and in so doing, it will effect Phasma a great deal. I hope you all will enjoy the next few surprises in the coming chapters.)

          A deep breath is taken in by Phasma as she releases a small moan of pain. She attempts to pull her hands down and place her both hands upon her wound. Only to discover that her arms are tied to a steel pipe, and her legs are tied to the floor.

"Prisoner? Oh, this is, this is not fair."

Looking at herself she notices something entirely different. She's outside of her suit and her wound is now bandaged. Not only this but she's not all that thirsty. In fact, she feels hydrated. Someone took the time to clean her a bit and get her out of her sweaty clothes and put on some dry white garbs. The clothing isn't exactly clean but much more preferable than the black suit she had under her chrome battle armor. 

Closing her eyes she thinks about the girl that had knocked her out after she fell off the speeder. That little desert girl is the one that must have kidnapped her. And now she must be trying to figure out how to make some money off her. Most likely going to sell her off to the Hutts or something along those lines.

"Becoming a slave was never an aspiration of mine. I worked my entire life to get to the point I am at now today. And no little desert girl is going to sell me off. I'll figure out a way to escape. I'll give her one warning. Let her know that she best let me go if she knows whats good for her."

            Her belly rumbles in hunger as she looks around in hopes of seeing something available to eat. Not that it would matter much but whenever her captor should return, maybe she can get fed.


With no answer, she assumes that perhaps she should change her tactics of speaking.


Once again, no answer to her calling.

Glancing down at her wound she takes note that she indeed is still bleeding. It's a very slow bleeding wound but all the same, she's losing blood. And if she wants to last longer then she's going to have to stay still.

"That girl must have gone someplace to find help. At least that's what I would have done if I was in her position. After all, I'm no good to her dead. I'm going to have to stay still, I can't move around and bleed all over the place. Fact is, if it's still bleeding now, then that means something important is cut inside me."

              Realizing this, she gulps in a sudden realization of her situation. The wound might have pressure on it, but she doesn't have much longer to live. Maybe another hour or so. Her head spinning and her thought process slightly focused. But the comes to terms that her thinking really is all over the place. It's not on any one single issue. But on many topics all at once.

"I don't want to die like this."

A slow hum begins to build outside and the side of the AT-AT Walker gives off the sound of being hit with sand continuously. Phasma realizes that a sandstorm is starting to develop outside. The soft hum quickly becomes a powerful sandstorm. And to her discouragement, no one is here next to her.

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