Ladwick, 5:02 PM
They're all late. They're almost 200 seconds disregardful of the agreed upon time. They're late because they don't care about me. They're never going to show up. I don't know why I always tell mother otherwise, she was right in warning me about those hooligans.
5:03 PM
Am I, one of the characters in the story, allowed to petition to the narrator to strike my previous entry from the record? That sort of breaks the fourth wall, doesn't it?
Anyways, they eventually showed up. By "they," I mean Mangus and Erik.
Honestly, I don't even consider them my friends. They just happen to be the only people I know that are within a decade's range of my own age, and the only people I ever talk to other than mother. I could have other people in my life if I wanted to. No, no it's not about that. I'm not lonely. I have a life. I have a life outside of Dungeons and Dragons, I mean. Actually, strike that from the record as well. This is my first impression to the reader, so I don't want to come off as a liar.
Anyhow, I held an emergency D&D meeting at our usual location, as there were some urgent matters to discuss. Apart from the beautiful recreation that is D&Ding, our little "club" of sorts also dabbles in setting new records, a type of competition with the neighboring guild, the enemy.
Mangus had brought his duffel bag. As there was no quest planned for tonight, I presume he lacked the wherewithal to properly peruse the entirety of the nine-page document I had sent via email. Towards the bottom-half of the fifth page, I made clear that the meeting would be for discussion over an emergency matter. No matter. I suppose my efforts haven't been entirely unnoticed, as Erik clearly left his bag behind, either because he read the email or, now that I think about it, he simply forgot it.
The narrator clearly has a distaste for my being on this literary podcast of sorts, as he's imploring me to end my recording here.
Okay. Okay, hold on. I haven't even had a chance to talk about the meeting.
He's trying to take the headset away from me.
No, no, wait. OUCH.
He's still trying to take it.
Okay, he's about to turn off the mike. Okay, now just wait a minute, let me finish my--