The Bird And The Domino, Part 5

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Erik, 6:27 PM

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Erik, 6:27 PM

Thanks for the kind words, narrator. Oh, by the way, am I allowed to tell them your nam--

Erik, 6:33 PM

Apparently not. But he just bought me this candy bar, so let me finish this first. Shit, this tastes good. Hold on, I'll be back. There's more of this shit in the vending machine.

Erik, 7:52 PM

Shit, time flies by when you're trying to open a vending machine. Good thing is I got it open. I have several handfuls of this shit, enough for my next dinner. Mangus wasn't too happy about it, though. He said he had the key, and it was apparently his job to keep the shit stocked. I blew him off because I wanted to practice my lock-picking skills, I've been rusty ever since my old probation officer got switched out with some hard-ass who actually pays attention to what I do.

I can't recall too many details from the meeting, but the basic gist of it is that the enemy guild has been shitting on us pretty hard. It's not as bad as a few years ago. Back when Sam was their leader, our beef was the talk of the town. I remember kidnapping their mascot, some shit-tuck lizard that's supposed to represent their lame guild name, the 13 Dragons of Leerdam. Either way, they ain't got shit on our guild, the Backwards Butterflies. We were originally called the Yesteryear Impalers, but Ladwick felt that it was too violent.

Since Sam was arrested a couple years ago, Chad's actually turned the Dragons around. Under Sam, they were a pretty wild guild, constantly disbanding and, uh, rebanding? Even then, our battles were legendary. That shit was insane, you have to visualize a scene from World War II, except that-- Okay, nevermind. It was Dragons vs. Impalers, and it was a pretty equal match. There was a time I rigged the city's emergency alert systems to go off the night of their initiation party, which is a big deal for any guild. That was before I was fired from my job at the city hall. There was also a time I dressed up as one of their heroes for a LARPfest (Live-Action-Role-Play) and beat the shit out of Ladwick's cousin. Ladwick was okay with it, although I don't think I told him what I actually did. There was also a time I stole Sam's curtains and microwaved them, emptied out the radiator in his car, and put two and two together. His car wouldn't start for an entire month. They blamed Mangus, because he's handy with engines and shit. But back then, it was healthy warfare. We never pressed charges against each other. Once Sam was gone, it was never the same. Chad put the Dragons under the radar for almost an entire year. I have no idea what they were doing, but right now, they have some new members and a new headquarters.

Ladwick was saying some shit about how the Dragons beat out all the competition in this year's guild games. It's an organized competitive activity for all the guilds in the area to showcase their strengths. We had our glory days, but the Dragons, under Chad's rule, have been stomping the shit out of us in recent competitions. So, I think we're meeting again tomorrow night to discuss our plan of action.

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