Ch. 9: Painful Threats

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We decided to leave Flare be for a while and get some rehearsal in. The entire time though, I couldn't get Flare out of my head. I was worried about her. Her reaction was kind of scary and the fact that the Witch was back and nearly killed her. Her being with Chikara calmed my nerves some.

"Demon. Maybe you should go check on her." Ace set his hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my daze.

"Maybe." I didn't move. Out of my peripheral, I saw Ace shot someone a look. Two sets of footsteps came up to me.

"Gene?" Peter voiced.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked. I took a breath. I tried to think of what to say with all of us standing there with all the instruments.

"I care for her. More than I even understand. I don't know what to do. This is not like me, being soft with someone. I just really care about her." I confessed. I looked at them and saw the looks of sympathy. Peter went to say something but was interrupted.

"Ain't that sweet?" A sarcastic remark was thrown. We all looked and saw a man the same man. The same man Flare noticed. 

"Who are you?" Ace spoke first. 

"Someone that you don't want to get in the way of."

"Empty threats mean nothing to us." Peter growled. 

"Now again, who are you?" Ace repeated. 

"Someone long forgotten." My eyes looked at the mark amulet better. "I've been around a long time boys. I've been forgotten long enough to be considered dead."

"What do you want?" Paul demanded. 

"What I want has already been set in motion. Long, long ago." He started to backup. "You won't be able to protect her Demon. I promise you that, or I wouldn't be known as Lethal." In a blast of black smoke, he was gone. 

"Oh this is not good." Ace said.

"No shit Sherlock!" Peter shot. 

"Hey!" Paul interjected. They continued to argue as I stayed silent. Finally coming out of my mind, I snapped. 

"Enough!" I bellowed. They all went silent. "Arguing will get us nowhere. If that really is Lethal then we need to find Flare and the rest the Scooby Gang, like now." 

"Right. Demon you go get your girl and we'll find the rest." Paul agreed. "We'll meet at Chikara's." He added. We all shot in the air at light speed.

Flare's POV

I stayed at Chikara's , feeling overwhelmed still. We sat in comfortable silence until she yelped pain.

"Chikara?"I sat up and looked at her. She grabbed her head and stumbled. "Chikara!" I shot up and caught her as she fell. I sat on the ground and held her. 

"Oh my ow." Her breathing was heavy and her eyes sealed shut. She lent into me more as she relaxed.. 

"what was that?" I asked softly. Her hands moved to cover her face then dropped her chest. 

"A very painful vision. Very painful and confusing." She was able to get out and I was about to say something when the door open. Demon stood there with his aura up. He saw  us on the floor and Chikara in the state. 

"What happened?" He walked closer. 

"She had a bad vision." I said looking away. I felt her place her hand on top of mine on her shoulder. 

"About what?" 

"I don't even know." Chikara started while trying to stand. I helped her. "What happened?" Demon made a face and walked over to her book, flipping the pages. 

"This." He said finally finding what he was looking for. "Lethal." 

"What? Impossible." Chikara walked over and looked at the page. "He is passed. 

"Not so much." He walked over to me. "Unless it was his zombie that was just threatening us. Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and crossed my arms over my stomach. 

"This is impossible. He died of his own antics years ago. Before you 4 even became protectors. Long before." 

"I know but it was him. He was wearing his mark amulet." Chikara's eyes widened slightly. 

"Mark amulet?' I was confused.

"A mark amulet is a necklace that a KISSterian wears when they are not in their full form. Or not all dressed up in makeup and costume." Chikara explained. 

"It can be any size or shape of charm." Demon added. "They represent our Persona in some way." 
"Can I see yours?" He didn't answer right away. 

"Maybe someday." He said. I nodded and looked at Chikara. 

"Mark amulets are buried or whatever with their owners. And cannot be replicated no matter what is done. It has to be Lethal." She turned back to the book. 

"Flare?" I looked at him through my lashes. "What happened earlier?" 

"It was. I was..." I sighed and grabbed his hand. His gripped mine tighter. The door opened but we didn't pull away. 

"Took your sweet time." Demon sassed. The Gang and the guys walked in. I saw Daphne's eyes immediately traveled to our joined hands. She then met my eyes, and smiled. 

"What's going on?" Fred asked. 

"Fred. Calm down. You okay Flare?" Velma asked. I nodded and looked down at our hands.

"You're going to have to tell them." I whispered. Demon looked at me. "About everything's real." Demon looked at Starchild. Star sighed and nodded. 

"What is going on is that the Crimson Witch is back and someone came back with her." Demon said. 

"Okay so we know that the witch is Delilah..." 
"No it's not. This is the real witch from KISSteria." 

"What?" They chorused after a few minutes. 

"The whole thing was not a hallucination. Do you really think I could get hurt just accidentally by the witch?" I told the Gang. "The whole mystery, the witch, KISSteria was the real thing." I saw Shag and Scoob nodded at their heads and the other jaws nearly dropped. 

"You cannot be serious right now!" Velma nearly scream. I just shrugged.

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