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Dear Diary,

I was on my way to becoming somebody, something.
I was going to be a big star, someone everyone looked up to. People saw that I had lots of talent, loads of potential just waiting to come out at the right time with the right person.

I was invited to a camp, for talented girls like me. They wanted to explore my limits, train me hard to see my potential, to see what they could do for me free of charge.

Free. Of. Charge. Can you imagine? Free training, free traveling, equipments all paid for. Amazing.

I worked hard. I did what I was told, made the coaches laugh. I went the extra mile to show off. I was great.

Until a couple girls one night, took it a little too far and teased me about my teeth. My shame.

After asking them politely to quit it, I walked out of the room to be by myself. To gather my thoughts and calm myself down. To tell myself not to cry.

I came back into my room after awhile and found it empty. I was heading to the showers when I heard a ring from my phone come in: it was my mother.

When I picked up, she sounded upset and worried. She asked if I was shaking uncontrollably and shivering as well. I frantically said no, afraid of what had been told to her. A horrible, horrible lie.

They called in all the girls and asked them what happened, and they all said the same thing: that they don't know what happened and that they don't know who told my mother about my "fits".

This prompted the coaches to do a little more digging and somehow found some misinformation about me being suicidal (I wasn't suicidal at the time. At all.)

They pulled me into the office, told me all these nice things about how I was going to come back and that I've been super SUPER great. I actually believed them.

They sent me a day earlier with one of the coaches to make sure I was "okay".

They never called back again.

My parents still low key blame me for what happened even though I literally didn't do anything wrong. Someone lied about me having fits, which made them snoop and find out the wrong shit.

Another example of me doing shit right and still getting the burnt end of the stick.

There's more Diary....but I'll write it all out tomorrow...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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