Chapter 3: Fathers & First Dates

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The next day, I bury my face in my book and try to hide my sporadic tears. I scrunch my whole body into the chair, as if doing so would help me be invisible to the world around me. Even after such a short time, my heart is aching. I miss Peter already. Other people may not react to losing a friend - or a boyfriend, if you could call him that - like this, but they have other friends to turn to. I have no one, and this doesn't seem like the best time to go and find a new friend.

"Can I join you?"

I look up at the voice whose statement was clearly directed at me. Everyone else in the building is speaking in hushed tones, but this question comes confidently from its speaker. I look up and lock eyes with none other than Peter Parker.

"Are you sure you want to?"

"Yes and no." Peter sits in the chair next to me. "Why did you lie to me? Why didn't you tell me that you're Mr. Stark's kid?"

"Because whenever I tell someone that I'm Tony Stark's daughter, they either only become my friend to get up close and personal with the Avengers, or they want nothing to do with me because they're...afraid or something. I wanted you to get to know me. For me." He looks at me, but I can't decide what his look is trying to tell me. "I know that sounds totally cliche, but -"

"It doesn't. It sounds...legit. I just-" Peter sighs, obviously frustrated. "I just don't know what to do now."

"I don't either," I say, feeling helpless. "But...for the record, you lied to me too. You never told me your internship was with my dad. Was it for the same reason?" Peter looks at me, looking slightly guilty and nods. He grabs my hand. "I really, really like you Emmeline. But I know your dad. He's not going to be okay with this, and I don't want you to have to deal with him as a result of"

My face lights up, but only momentarily. He wants to date! But he also doesn't. And I can't blame him.

"I can't say I blame you for not wanting to face my father's wrath." Peter chuckles.

"I can handle your dad. Can you?"

"Duh." I say, laughing. "I've done it my whole life." Peter gets quiet.

"Is it worth it?" He asks, looking sad. I smile at him.

"Absolutely." Peter's eyes light up. He looks at me and ever so slightly leans forward. I lean, too, and his eyes dart to my lips. For the first time since the gala, we are on the same page.

His soft lips smash gently into mine, warm and careful. It feels amazing, but I become keenly aware that my first kiss is occurring at the Lexington Street Starbucks. I get the unusual feeling that someone is watching; Peter must feel the same because he pulls away and looks at the rest of the store. Sure enough, about four other Hewitt students are staring right at us. Some look surprised, others disgusted. Either way, I'm happy. For once, that's all I care about.

Telling my dad about my new relationship was not bound to be easy. I ran through all possible scenarios in my head. In one, I tell dad he's meeting my new boyfriend without telling him who it is. It ends with Peter fired from his internship and me never seeing him again. Some other scenarios end all Romeo and Juliet style, but without the death and with the forbidden love. I even toy with just keeping the relationship a secret overall, but that isn't fair to Peter and it's a good way to be 100% sure that dad will not approve of the relationship.

So, I do what dad always wants me to to do in most life situations - I rip the band-aid off. At dinner on Thursday night, I speak up.

"Peter Parker and I are dating." I state. Dad practically chokes on his food. He seems flustered for a second, but then regains his composure.

"You met one time."

"Not exactly. We ran into each other at the Starbucks on Lexington Street a couple of weeks ago after school and we've kind of been meeting there everyday after school."

"And you thought now would be the best time to tell me?"
"I'm ripping the band-aid off." I say matter-of-factly.

"Why did it seem like you two didn't know each other at the gala?" Dad says with a strong amount of suspicion in his voice. My dad is really smart, and it's pretty clear that he might know exactly why we acted the way we did on Saturday night.

"I....I might not have let on that I'm related to you when he and I met. People.....people treat me differently when they find out I'm Tony Stark's kid."

"Are you ashamed of your family?" He says accusingly.

"Tony." Pepper says in a warning tone. Dad raises his eyebrows at me in anticipation.

"No, it's just that I didn't know he knew you and I wanted to see if he liked me for who I am, not my last name." Dad's face relaxes, and I know I've given the right answer - good, because it's also the truth.

"Well, I suppose that's a noble enough reason as any." He pauses, thinking. "You still aren't allowed to date him."

"What?" I shout. Pepper glares at dad warningly.

"Emmeline," dad says sternly. "I have my reasons. I am your father. You will respect those reasons. End of story."

"What exactly are those reasons, may I ask?"

"No, you may not."


"He's not the guy for you, alright? You deserve better than that."

"Dad. He's the only guy that has ever shown any interest in me, even after finding out who I am! He's so sweet, and caring, and funny. You cannot tell me I can't date him!" I shout as I begin to feel tears prickling at my eyes. My face is hot and my heart is racing. Dad adopts his typical sarcastic tone.

"Do you not remember the part where I said that I am your father?" I have no response to that, but tears begin to fall from my eyes. I stand up, causing my chair to make a loud noise as its legs skid on the floor. I walk quickly away from the table and upstairs to my room. I'm laying on my bed, tears streaming down my cheeks as my phone buzzes.

Peter Parker: Dinner? Saturday night?

Prior to talking to my dad, my answer would have been an immediate yes. Now, I don't know what to do. I can't bear to lose Peter, but I also hate making my dad mad. I can't possibly decide what is keeping dad from letting me see Peter. Then I realize - there isn't. Peter and I mostly hang out after school anyway, so dad will likely never know. When he does find out, Peter and I will have been happily together for so long, dad will have to approve of him - right? Weekend nights are going to be trickier, but I decide to take a risk for once in my life.

Emmeline: Of course. Time? Place?

Peter Parker: I'll pick you up at 6.

That wouldn't work. There's no way Peter could come pick me up without my dad finding out.

Emmeline: Could we meet somewhere? I don't want you to have to come all the way out here.

That isn't a total lie. Besides, I want to break the news about my dad's disapproval in person. I can't keep lying to Peter.

Peter Parker: Sure!

We make plans to meet in Central Park, because Peter wants to keep our dinner location a surprise. I ask what I should wear, and he tells me to just be myself. I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm assuming my usual jeans and tennis shoes will do. As nervous as I am about our secret date, I'm too excited to worry now. Flopping down onto my comfy bed, I feel a rush of relief and contentment. Life is good.

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