Chapter 8: Contentment & Closure

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When I enter the complex, I skip the residence and track down my dad. I find him on a couch talking with some men across from him. They look at me like I have three heads, which prompts my dad to turn around.

"Oh, Emmeline. Well, if you gentleman will excuse me, my daughter and I have to talk." Dad says, making things sound much more serious than they really are.

He puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me away to an office. I sit down in a chair across from the desk and begin to wonder if this office is only for show. The desk is too tidy to belong to my dad.

"Well, what have you decided?"

"I can't lose him. If it's something beyond my control, that's one thing. But I won't be able to live with myself if I let him go knowing I didn't give us a chance at happiness." Dad sighs deeply and pauses for several moments.

"I didn't want this. I didn't want you to find out and have to make this decision. I tried everything I could to prevent this and it still happened. And I'm sorry. I hate to take back my own rules, but you can give this a shot. You guys are great for each other. I knew it the second I started...I guess "mentoring" the little arachnid boy." He pauses again, and I let the silence of his working thoughts fill the emptiness. He eventually continues.

"I love you. I know I genuinely suck at showing it but I really do. And I really hope this works out for you. But if it does, I need at least 10 more years to mentally prepare for a wedding." I laugh at this, because I know he's partially joking. He stands up and comes over, kissing me on the head and hugging me. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Now go call your man back."

"Thanks dad. I love you too." I say, going back in for one more hug. Then I excitedly fast walk back to the residence and pull out my phone. I immediately find Peter's name and hit "Call". It rings a few times before he answers.

"Emmeline, please let me explain."

"It's okay Peter, you don't have to. Just....just listen." Peter doesn't protest. "Look, last night I was really upset. Not upset that you didn't tell me. I'm not dumb enough to think you hid this from me because you didn't want me to know. You didn't tell me so I wouldn't worry all the time, the same reason my dad never told me about you. I was so excited to meet you because you weren't part of this world and it sort of shattered a dream to find out that you' know. But...I realized that you're not just another one of the Avengers. You're my friend first, boyfriend? If you'll still have me?" Peter lets out a light chuckle.

"Of course I will." I feel like I'm floating on air after these words.

"That's...that's great." I say, relieved. "I'm really excited to give this a real shot."

"Me too." Peter replies.

"So...dinner and a movie on Saturday night?"


On Friday, dad lets me take the train home again. Instead of waiting inside of Starbucks for Peter, I lean on the wall outside. I'm shaking, partially from the cold and partially from the impatience. I have my hands shoved into my puffer coat and my mouth hidden underneath a fleece scarf. My wool cap keeps my head and ears warm. I keep turning my head from left to right; I'm genuinely unsure of which direction he comes from. Finally, I turn my head to the right for the hundredth time, but this time, he's there. My heart skips a beat, and he stops walking, smiling at me. I run to him, unable to contain myself. When we make contact, I grab him tightly and breathe it all in. His smell, the softness of his cheek on my forehead. It feels safe, familiar. After a few moments, we look at each other. He closes his eyes and dips his head down to make our lips touch. Something inside of me explodes with happiness. He pulls away and gently places a kiss on my forehead.

"Hi." He says with a hint of a laugh in his voice. All I'm able to do in response is giggle and hug myself to him again.

"Hi." I finally let out.

"Coffee?" He asks.

"Coffee." I say, nodding and releasing the poor boy from my grasp.

Later, we ride from the train station to the complex together for the first time. I alternate between looking at him as he animatedly tells me a story about something that happened at school and looking out the window at the idyllic, snowy countryside. In this moment, life is really good. 

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