Crameron- First Date (Part 2)

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Author's Note: This is a continuation to the first one. Who knows, this could turn into a series.

Dane POV
I just got back from a gig and I'm exhausted. I don't care about anything else at the moment except taking a shower and changing. I feel sweaty and gross, but I work hard for my fans because they deserve it. First, I remove my outfit before anything else. After that, the makeup comes off.

I turn on the hot water to the shower and remove all other garments before stepping in. I felt my stiff muscles relax as the hot water hit my skin.


Once I'm all showered, I slipped on my underwear and a pair of shorts. I fall onto my bed and picked up my phone to video call Max. He answered after a few rings and had that goofy smile that I love so much. I couldn't help but smile too. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, handsome. Whatcha up to?"

I shrug, but keep the smile. "Nothing much, I just got back from a gig and I took a shower. Now I'm just lying in bed."

"Me too, I'm pretty exhausted." He rubbed his eyes and I thought Max looked so adorable. "I had a long day."

"I did too. I wish you here, though." He looked at me and smiled.

"I know, I wanna see you so badly." I know he's trying to stay awake at this point, I know I am.

"How about we go on a date tomorrow? We can eat, walk around a park, and get ice cream." It sounds childish, but it's simple, yet romantic.

"I'm free, name the time and I'll meet you somewhere."

I thought for a minute and hummed. "Would you be able to meet me at that cafe near the club I was at? I'd say at 7." Being in the same city has it's perks.

"Yeah, I can meet you there. I can't wait." He looks so adorable when he's tired.

"Ok, I'll let you go before you pass out on me." He nodded and covered a yawn.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Dane."

"Bye, Max." I ended the call. I think I should get some sleep too. I set my phone on the end table and turn out the lights, but left the tv on. I crawled under the covers and fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.


Ok, it's almost time for my date with Max and I'm a little nervous. I've got an hour and a half, that gives me enough time to get ready. I take a quick shower, then I look through my clothes to see what I have to wear.

I find a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. It's my normal style if I'm gonna go casual.

Satisfied with my outfit, I grab my phone, room key, and a black hat. I put it on backwards and walked out, heading to the cafe.

Looking around, it looks like I got here earlier than Max. I picked out a seat in the corner so we can have some sort of privacy. I made sure I'm facing the door so I can see when he comes in.

About five minutes later, Max walked in and immediately spotted me. He walked over to me and I stood up to hug him. His small frame fit well with my bigger muscular tone.

"Hey, baby." Calling him babe or baby comes out so natural and effortlessly.

"Hey, handsome, it's great to see you again." Even though I'm insecure about myself, he somehow makes me feel important and wanted, which is probably why Max was a good choice for me.

"It's great to see you too." We let go of each other and sat down.

After eating we set out to the park, walking hand in hand. Why? I keep asking myself this. Why is Max so perfect? Why is it he can make me feel like this? Why is he the best relationship I've ever been in?

"What are you thinking about?" I heard him ask.

I turned to him and smiled. "Actually, I'm thinking about you."

"Oh stop it." I saw a light blush cover his face. I thought he looked cute.

"I'm serious, Max. I'm thinking about how even though we've only been together for a short time, you've probably been the best choice for a boyfriend. You know the story about my previous relationship, it didn't go well."

"That's because he's a jerk and didn't realize how lucky he was. You deserve the world and so much more."

"Stop, you're making me blush. My face is probably so red right now." He chuckled as we stopped and got lost in each other's eyes. I wanted to kiss him, but I realized there were kids around.

"So red must be your favorite color, right?" I felt my blush turn a deeper red.

"You're such a flirt. Did you plan to say that?"

"No, I'm just winging it. That's probably gonna be the best pick up line you'll get tonight."

"Well, it got me, so it was pretty good."


We decided to move Max's things to my hotel room. I got a key for him and we settled in.

Right now, we're laying in my bed and we're both scrolling through Instagram. While doing that, I decide to take a picture of us together and I posted it, tagging him in it. All of our sisters liked it and the fans went crazy. They just love seeing us together.

"Apparently, people ship us together. Look at this." I show him all the comments.

Max chuckled and looked at everything. "They caught on to our chemistry."

I nodded and felt him cuddle up to me. He had his eyes closed. Max looked so cute, I took a selfie of us together. After that, I decided to go to bed too, so I shut out the lights and plugged in my phone. Of course, I left the tv on for a light source.

I turned to face Max and took him into my arms. I planted a kiss on his forehead. Not long after I felt him kiss my chest. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, handsome." He muttered. I chuckled and held him closer to me as he wrapped his arms around me too. I closed my eyes so I could join Max in the dream world.

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