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Please read all of the instructions before you begin.

This is an interactive story. To a certain extent, you get to decide what happens. How? Skip to the chapter the bottom of the page tells you to skip to for your choice. Follow the web of choices.

Please don't read the chapters straight through. Doing so will be more confusing than trying to organize these different story lines is.

This story may not be the most impressive literarily. This detail is caused by school. I've been temporarily drained of my desire to embellish my writing. However, the to-the-point mood should feel kind of nice, and the story as a whole will hopefully prove to be entertaining. I've tried.

Here's the premise. Peter's sailing on the ocean with a few of his friends when the boat is capsized. As a result, he is left floating in the middle of the open ocean with nothing but the clothes on his back, a bag, a water bottle, a hat, three flares, and a life preserver. Make the right choices; help Peter make it out of the water alive.

It's possible that if you're reading this story you may have read the first in my What Do You Want Now? series, Help Me Not Die. If so, you've seen Peter before. In fact, you probably killed him at least once, and you may have even  caused him to lose his leg. Fear not. While this is the same Peter, it is a version of him that exists completely separate from the other. His personality will be there same, as will his background, but his story is new. I'm still deciding, but I believe that all of the books in the series will be based on the same poor man thrown into various situations. So, yes, Peter is back. Yes, this book is in the same series as the first. No, it is not a sequel. I am still considering writing a sequel to the first that details Peter's recovery and fills in some of the holes (like how Peter got in the woods in the first place), but we'll see.

Disclaimer: while the results of these choices are mostly based on facts, some are dramatized a little for the sake of a more interesting read. These ways to survive are not guaranteed to work for you the same way they work for Peter, but they should be pretty reliable.

In the Waters Below (Interactive)Where stories live. Discover now