Not Bullet Proof Part 1

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Tom sat at his desk laughing to himself like a mad mad which is what he was, Tom had been quite patient as he sent out a squadron out a good hour ago. Tom was starting to get impatiant
Just as his intercom called.

"Yes?" Tom answered, smirking to himself.

The voice was rough but clearly female. "We have him , sir"

"Good, good, have some one bring him to my office" Tom replied giving a dark laugh.

"Yes , sir" The woman said turning off the intercom.

Tom sat back in his chair and laughed , profusely waiting for his present. Soon a knock came at the leaders door.
"Come in" He replied.

The soldier came in as he brought the prisoner in from the hall way, more specifically Matt was brought in. Matt's hands and wrists were tied , behind his back . Matt was agressivly shoved on the cold floor in front of the blue leader.

Matt's ginger hair was messy, and his clothes torn , and a large scowl set across his face , his eyes burned with hatred for Tom.

"Hello, Matthew..." Tom said standing up to go see his old friend. "Been a while hasn't it"

Matt was cold and didn't reply to Tom , a bad choice in the long run . "Oh, no fun " Tom said sarcasticly.

"I hate you Tom, why are you doing this!?" Matt yelled tears forming in his eyes.

Tom growled and kicked Matt in the gut, cracking one of his ribs."This is my base and you will treat me with respect"

"Yes, sir" Matt mumbled angerliy.

"Good Matthew , I'm glad we can work this out." Tom smiled

Tom pressed the intercom , someone else picking up."Go get Tord for me , Evan."

"Yes, sir."
"Now Matthew tell me" Blue leader looked back at Matt "are you bullet proof?"

"Try me, Tom"

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