Most impressive ranking #36- Airport
Meet Ayanna
A normal Teen Girl living in Melbourne , Australia. She is a brunette girl with hazel black eyes. She is highly ambitious and ingenious. She keeps a distance from these feelings like love , lust etc...
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It's been a day since Ariana's death. The investigation is still going on and they would be calling me at Resea's Residence to ask me some questions..
I went in the kitchen , prepared a cup of coffee for myself and started reading a book after taking some biscuits. I was thinking about Ariana , how she died ? Was it a murder or a suicide? But Ariana had nothing to worry about and she was new in this town too ? All these questions were fighting in my head...
I still felt crestfallen for her death. A day before her death only , I called her about some papers and I didn't know that this was gonna be my last conversation with Ariana.
I wiped off little tears flowing from my eyes and started packing up my bag. I ordered a cab and headed to the headquarters. There was a test of Biology today so I took out my book and started reading and flipping pages...
The cab left me as usual at the entrance and I pushed the door open and penetrated in the class. There was still some time left for Sir Brakins to come so I revised for the test. I moved my eyes to the watch and saw the time. 8:36. I wondered why sir didn't come. I asked a girl across my desk about that. She replied that sir would come late to the class as he is busy in some school work.....
At exact 9:10 , Sir Brakins arrived in the class. He let us revise a synopsis of the chapter and then conducted the test. That test seemed pretty easy to me. I finished it in due time and gave my sheet to Sir Brakins , who gave me a best-of-luck look...
After the test , there was Physical Assessment. I managed to get in the top three. With me , there was a girl named Stephanie and a boy named Dylan. We were given certificates also.
It was a tiring day at school , so I decided to rest. My wound was better today and I already took my medications as prescribed by my doctor. Mom called me to check if everything was alright. I told her not to worry as everything here was good.
I was on my bed only , my eyes on the phone. I was checking my messages when I got a text from Ariana. I opened it with a beating heart..
"Hi Ayanna.. Please come to Resea's Residence as soon as possible because the investigation team has to ask you some questions. Bye girl.."
As I read this , all my memories with Ayanna came in my mind. Tears collected in my eyes but I managed to control them.. I quickly washed my face and arms and dried them using a towel. I did a pony and applied some mascara and foundation. Resea's residence was not too far from the hotel , so I decided to walk instead..
I reached Resea's Residence and I saw the investigation team sitting near the doorway , looking at me with cold eyes. I felt somewhat strange until Ariana's mother came..
"Oh sweetie ! You are here." Her mother scoffed. But she was cut off by the investigator...
"So you are Ayanna Perkins.. Am I right?" He retorted back , giving me a suspicious look..
"Yeah sir. You are right." I tried to sound casual..
"Come with me to the next room." He replied quickly...
The investigator took me in a room where there was one table and two chairs. I sat on the chair , feeling much peculiar. I saw the black-haired man in front of me , pulling the chair to sit....
"So Mrs. Ayanna , for how long you knew Ariana?" He asked me , giving me a tell-me-fast look..
"Sir , I met Ariana last month in the headquarters. She became my best friend and we exchanged our numbers also.." I gulped back..
"Did Ariana Resea had any fears of failure or some symptoms of sickness?" He asked again..
"No. She was a nice and intelligent girl. She once had Dengue but she recovered soon from it." I uttered , my eyes becoming teary..
"Did Ariana had any bullies at school?" He again said..
"No." I said in a whisper and tears came out of my eyes..
"Ayanna Perkins , now you can go..." He replied and gestured me to move out..
My eyes became blurry with the tears but I still managed to control them. Ariana's mother was sitting on the stool near the kitchen stove. I saw her secretly sobbing.... What was the cause of Ariana's death? If it would be suicide , I would hate her truly. A girl like her wouldn't do suicide after being new here..
Till then , Ariana's mother called me...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *sobs* Ariana is dead... Ayanna feels heartbroken....
So guys , What you think of next chapter ?
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Hugs and Sandwiches Isaac ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~