Chapter 3

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The cab left me at the entrance and I penetrated in the Office

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The cab left me at the entrance and I penetrated in the Office. Then at the counter section , I registered all the details. The lady told me to wait for sometime..

I glanced from the window and saw a beautiful sight. Dark clouds covered the sky and it was about to rain. Some wet drops were falling from the sky.

At last , my name was announced and I went inside the room. My interview was taken by Mr. Brakins. He was a very civilised and specific person. But still I was prepared for it. After half an hour of questioning , I was selected for the skill assessment test of level two.....

My joy knew no bounds. I took out the phone from my pocket and called mom to tell her about my selection in the assessment..

Mom advised me to go as soon as possible to the hotel as the weather was gonna be stormy.. I followed my mom's advice and confronted her saying that I would reach the hotel soon.

I hung up the phone call and made my way to the exit. Tiny , wet drops of rain could be felt as they ran over my shoulder. I didn't have an umbrella so I waited outside for the cab..

"Mind taking my umbrella with you to go home?" A heavy voice gulped from behind. I turned backwards and saw the same man which I bumped today.

I blushed and replied to him in a very low tone , "No thanks!". But he insisted to help me. So I took the umbrella which he handed over to me. His hazel blue eyes left me dumbstruck.

We went further down the street. The silence between us was uncomfortable so I started a conversation.

"Umm... Is your name Carson?" I asked apprehensively...

"Yes. My full name is Carson Morgue Hudson. How did you know my name?" He questioned me , giving me a how-do-you-know look.

"Well , in the morning when me bumped into each other , your card slipped out of your pocket and it fell down. I picked it up and slipped it in my pocket." After saying this , I handed over the card to him..

We talked a lot after that. I got to know that he lived in Naples , which was at a short distance from my hotel. He became my new friend and we exchanged our numbers. He had a little brother also. His name was Xander.

I thanked him once again and bid him goodbye. I went upstairs to my room and ordered dinner for myself. I nearly ate six rice cakes. After eating and watching my phone for a while , I fell asleep...


My alarm bell rang and I woke up. Seeing the time , I hurried to the bathroom and took a refreshing bath. After having my breakfast , I put on my white top and jeans. I had pre-ordered a cab outside and I went for the headquarters..

I knew I was late. Mr. Brakins was taking the first class. On my late coming , he questioned me ,

"So Mrs. Ayanna. Why are you late in your very first class?" He gave me a strict look as he said this..

"I am very sorry sir. I promise this will not happen again." I said in a low tone..

"Good for you though." He said and gestured me to sit. I sat beside a girl named Ariana. Our sir announced the dates for the next examination and we were busy preparing for them..

As I was flipping through the pages , I received a message in my cell phone. I opened it secretly and found that Carson messaged me. My heart thudded in my chest as I opened it.

"Hi Ayanna. How are you , my friend?"

I read it. But I didn't have the time to reply as Sir Brakins was watching us all. We had to study. My thoughts fluttered from subject to subject , like a butterfly visiting flowers.

At last , the session ended and we were told the dates of the examination. I sauntered off the class and went outside. There I saw Carson! He was in his jeans and a blue sweater. He was looking very handsome and smart.

"Ayanna. Would you mind if I drop you home today?" He gulped in a sweet tone..

My hands got sweaty. Did Carson just invited me in his car? Would he drop me home? Did he cared for me? All these questions were fighting in my head....

I nodded yes and Carson opened the car window for me. I felt nervous. Then he started the car and we drove off..

A beautiful song was playing in the car. But suddenly , there was a loud crash and thud. My eyes blurred and I fainted there..

Haha A cliffhanger😃😂😄

What would happen to Ayanna?...

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With love

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