Chapter 1

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I leaned on a tree as I watched my twin brother, Billy, and his friends empty their back packs into the garbage. I watched from afar, I always did.

"Best feeling ever," Eddie said.

"No, the best feeling is when you tickle your pickle for the first time," Richie replied. I laughed to myself as Eddie gave him a disgusted look. Stan and Bill walked along side the two boys as they all walked on the concrete.

Suddenly, Patrick Hockstetter grabbed Stan's kippah off his head. "This works as a frisbee." He threw it in the road. I began to walk toward Billy and his friends as the rest of the Bowers gang started messing with them. After a while they started to walk away.

"Y-you s-s-s-suck, Bowers," Billy exclaimed. Billy and I both had a stutter, but mine wasn't as bad unless I was very emotional. At this point, I was angry about the Bowers gang bullying my brother and his friends.

"D-did you s-s-s-say something, B-b-b-billy?"

I stepping in between them. "Get the fuck away from my brother."

"Oh look. It's the other Wonder Twin, and she's come to save the day."

"I said b-b-b-back off, Bowers." It was getting worse.

"Or what? You'll s-s-s-scratch me?"

I rolled my eyes. "My st-stutter may not b-b-be as bad as Billy's, but the more I stutter, the m-m-m-m-m-more emotional I get. R-r-r-right now, I-I-I'm pissed."

"You guys got a free ride this year because of your brother. The ride's over." He licked his hand, reached around me, and put it on Billy's face. "As for you, we aren't done yet, beautiful." He kissed his fingers and put them on my lips. Then, he walked away.

"Th-th-thanks, Y/N," Billy said as I started to walk away.

"Billy, I told you not to thank m-me. I-I'm not going to be home until c-c-c-c-curfew." Without another word, I walked away. I walked until I arrived at the quarry. From there, I wrapped my arms around myself and dropped to the ground, sobbing. "F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fuck!" I screamed. "I-it should h-h-h-h-h-h-h-have b-b-b-been m-me! M-m-m-m-me! H-he was t-t-t-too young! It's a-a-a-all my fault!"

I took out an envelope from inside my jacket pocket and placed it next to me. It had two names on it; Billy and... Henry. What Bowers had said hadn't phased me. It was the guilt of what happened to Georgie that was overwhelming. It was all my fault.

Henry's POV

I walked to the quarry by myself. It was a nice day and I wanted to be alone for a while. I had so much fun when picking on the losers club, but it wasn't fun picking on Y/N. I'd liked her for a long time, but being the school bully wasn't exactly the best ice breaker. I just needed some way to connect with her. Then I heard yelling.

I thought someone was in trouble, so I ran to the water. I stopped before my feet even hit the rocks when I saw her. She was crying. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she was kneeling on the ground. She was saying something about something being her fault.

Then she pulled out an envelope and placed it on the ground next to her. It had something written on it, but I was too far away to read it. Fear shot through me when she pulled out a pocket knife and held it in a shaking hand. She put it against her hand right above her wrist.

"Y/N," I yelled, running at her. I kneeled down in front of her and grabbed the knife, throwing it away. "Y/N?" She didn't look at me. "Princess, look at me."

"I-i-i-i-it's a-a-all my f-f-f-fault. I-I-I should h-h-h-h-h-h-h-have protected h-h-him."


"Georgie." She collapsed against me and buried her head in my chest. "I d-d-d-d-deserve to d-die."

"No you don't." I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me.

"Y-yes I do. I-i-if I hadn't t-t-t-taken my eyes o-o-o-off of h-h-him for that sh-short time, he w-w-w-would still be here."

"It isn't your fault. It could have happened to anyone. Just calm down." I held her until she stopped shaking and her breathing slowed down. "Are you okay?"

She pulled away. "Yeah. Thanks, Henry."

"Hey, your stuttering has gone down."

"Y-yeah. It has."

I looked at the envelope. "Why does that have my name on it?"

She shook her head and picked it up. "Because I know you have a heart in there somewhere, and I didn't want you to feel guilty for what I was about to do." She ripped it in half. "Thanks to you, I don't need this." She sighed. "You got a match?"

"Yeah." I handed it to her. She ignited it and lit the envelope on fire. "Do you... maybe... want to come to my house? My dad has a graveyard shift, so he won't be home until late tomorrow morning."

She nodded. "Y-yeah. Th-thanks." I stood up, helping her in the process. She gave me a soft smile. "Y-you aren't a-as bad as they th-think."

"I am, but not toward you."

"I-I know that. I s-see how b-bad you are to m-m-my brother. I don't get t-treated nearly a-as badly as him. I get treated worse b-b-by Gretta."

"Does she hurt you?"

"Y-you don't need to worry about th-th-that."

"Just answer the damn question, Denbrough."

"S-s-sometimes. A-a little worse than she t-t-treats B-beverly."

"I'm sorry you get treated so badly."

"It's not your fault. I'm just... bullyable?"

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