Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

This is set after the war. While Hogwarts is being rebuilt the students have a gap year before they start again.

Everything happened as it did, except the 19 years later part. This is just an addition from my imagination.

From Harry's perspective.

enjoy :)


"Harry." Mrs Weasley called out.

"Hello, Molly, you okay?" I asked as I entered The Burrow.

"Oh yes dear, thank you. Ron and Hermione are upstairs." I nod and walk upstairs.

"When is Harry here?" I heard Hermione say, you wouldn't believe we've been spilt up for a 10 days and she takes it like a lifetime. Its sweet though, for her to miss me like that. I know I missed them a lot.

I opened the door slowly. "Hi guys." I said quietly. Just as I did Hermione had jumped on me so me and her fell on the floor. I fixed my glasses and saw Hermione beneath me so I jumped up and helped her up.

"I'm so sorry Hermione." I said brushing myself down.

"Its okay Harry." she wrapped her arms around me again, this time more gently.

"I missed you so much Harry." she said quietly in my ear.

"I missed you too Hermione." I smiled at her and she let go and sat next to Ron on the bed.

"Hey mate." Ron said to me.

"Hey Ron, you been alright?"

"Yeh I've been okay, you?"

"Alright I guess." I sat next to Hermione and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Hermione, you okay? " I asked.

"Yes, just tired." She yawned loudly and jumped into the empty bed next to the me and Ron were left sitting on. within the next 15minutes the room was filled with me and Ron quietly talking while Hermione's quiet snoring filled the background.

"What bed Harry?" Ron said pointing over at Hermione's beautiful, resting body.

"I'll take her bed, let you stretch your legs tonight." We laughed and continued to joke until we fell asleep.

I did fall asleep, but awoke suddenly when Hermione jolted upright, he eyes full of tears.

"Hermione you okay?" I pulled Hermione into a comforting hug so she could calm down and hopefully tell me what she was dreaming.

"Tell me the dream." I said, she shook her head.

"Hermione please. I'm here for you." She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy, she must have been crying a lot.

"Harry, Voldemort killed my parents." she sobbed, I held her tighter knowing what dreams involving Voldemort were like.

"Ssshh, its okay, I promise. Remember we took Voldemort down." I rubbed her arm, trying my best to comfort her. She nodded.

Half an hour later Hermione was back asleep, this time her head rested on my chest.

"Harry, Harry, please wake up." Hermione had woken me up yet again.

"Yes Hermione?"

"I had another dream." She wasn't crying this time, but I could see her worried expression.

"My dream, we loved each other had children." Her worried expression was still plastered over her beautiful, flawless face.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked feeling a little offended.

"Oh nothing Harry. Its just I've been having this dream often." She had a look of even more worry, she leaned closer to me. "Can I do something?" she asked me subtlety, I wiped the sleep out my eye's, put my glasses on and nodded. I was nervous, she could be thinking of anything. Through my foggy glasses I saw her lean closer and closer, I felt her body on mine.

"Close your eyes." she told me, so I did.

I waited for a moment before I felt her soft lips press mine. I only had the urge to kiss her harder, but she backed away and sat up straight.

"Well?" She asked me.

"Well what?" I asked perplexed.

"What did you feel?" she asked rather angrily.

"Oh, Hermione I don't know." I spoke honestly.

"Harry, when you have an answer can you say, please."

"Of course." I smiled at her and allowed her to lay down, facing the wall, rather than me.

I thought hard for the rest of the night, and by the time the sun had rose I had my conclusion.

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