Chapter 2.

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Hello Its me!

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This is Chapter 2,



I woke up feeling extremely tired. Hermione kept me up most the night due to her bad dreams. She also kissed me, which was a huge surprise. I remember Ron telling me how amazing their kiss in the Chambers Of Secrets was.

Did Hermione pretend to enjoy it?

Perplexed I headed downstairs where everyone was in kitchen helping themselves to the breakfast Mrs Weasley laid out on the table. I sat opposite Ron who Hermione sat next to. All breakfast I just watched her, she would occasionally look up at me and raise an eyebrow which would make me look down at my plate.

This was our only form of communication, and well I didn't like it. The last thing I want is last night to make everything between us awkward. Last night replayed in my head. Hermione Granger, my best friend for the seventh year now kissed me.

I wondered whether that meant she liked me, I never asked her, I should ask her.

Today I'll pull her aside and ask.

Finding a time to do that was hard, we were together most the day, however Ron was with us too. I couldn't just say I needed to talk to her alone as he gets extremely jealous and will end up bringing up the past when me and Hermione were together. I couldn't deal with that.

"Hermione." I whispered. She was walking along hand in hand with Ron. Her neck turned and her face was side on.

"Yes?" She said back.

"I need to talk to you alone." I whispered even more quietly so I was basically miming the words. She nodded.

We sat in the field outside The Burrow and was enjoying the summer sun. Although I was enjoying myself, Ron and Hermione seemed to be enjoying each others company better. She sat in between Ron's legs and their hands were still interlocked.

I sat there admiring the love they had for one another. Maybe this meant Hermione never loved me, maybe she only did in her dreams.

"I'm going inside now." I got up and turned on my heel. Ron hardly acknowledged my exit, Hermione on the other hand soon followed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon Harry, we need to enjoy times in the sun." She said enthusiastically.

"That's kind of hard to do when you two are all over each other!" I shouted. Accidentally.

"Oh Harry!" She walked round to face me. "How could you say that!"

"Its true Hermione! And what was last night about? I don't want you playing games when it comes to my feelings!"

"Harry!" She shouted as I barged past her.

Dinner was awkward. I spoke only when spoken too and it was evident Hermione had told Ron what I had said as he didn't even look at me once from across the table. I felt a huge amount of guilt for my sudden outburst at Hermione, I felt, however it was necessary to tell her how I felt about the situation.

After dinner most, including Ron and Hermione went to bed, I was tired but decided to wait until I thought they were sleeping so I went for a walk. Alone. This was the first time I had managed to walk around at night without being guarded because Voldemort or his Death Eaters. As that thought left my head I started to think of her. Hermione.

I did like her, but whether I loved her or not wasn't clear. If she loved Ron, then there was no point telling her my feelings. My thoughts were like that for the rest of the night.

I walked into the bedroom to find, by surprise Ron and Hermione were sleeping in separate beds. I didn't choose to sleep next to Hermione so I took a pillow and slept on the floor at the foot of the bed.


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Love NR Xxxxxx

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