Chapter 7.

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We relaxed inside the house for the next few days, we finished our rooms and after we both agreed a long walk in a park, or at least outside wouldn't do us too much harm.

Hermione also sent an owl to Ron saying that she was carrying his child.

The park was full of green and yellow as autumn came, the weather got wetter and not many people were out today.

"Did you tell Ron we were here today?" I asked.

"No why?"

"He's here look." I pointed in the direction of Ron. I felt Hermione's grip tighten.

"Its okay." I whispered. We got closer to him and he arose from the bench he was sitting on.

"What do you want Ron?" I asked him, my mood dropping instantaneously. I also felt Hermione stand behind me.

"Oh I wanna apologise. To Hermione." He smirked "Hermione I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"No Ron, I can't." Hermione said as she stepped out from behind my back.

"I'm trying to make this better Hermione, don't hate me." I could see forgiveness in her eyes and I really had the urge to tell her to remove it, but I never.

"I think we should turn around Hermione and just head home. Ignore him." I tugged on Hermiones hand to get her to move, she refused, she let go of my hand and walked over to Ron.

"I'm pregnant Ron and I am giving Harry full responsibility as you are too damn careless." she spat at him with anger.

"I'm not careless, how could you say that?"

"Well for starters you got me pregnant!" She turned on her heel and marched toward me. I was glad she never decided to forgive him.

"How could you let Harry be father of my child!"

"Quite easily actually." Hermione called back.

"You'll pay Potter!" The fact Ron, my previous best friend called me potter, just like Malfoy made him just as equal as Malfoy. It also indicated his seriousness.

I ignored him and concentrated on what was ahead of me.

"Harry he is drawing out his wand." Hermione said quietly.

"Just walk." I said.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I heard as Ron bellow as he shot the curse at my back.

"NO!" Hermione spun around so we was back to back.

The curse hit her and she fell to the floor. I fell to telling myself she was okay.

I knew she wasn't. I have seen this curse be performed before. To Sirius and he died before my eyes. The same happened to Hermione and the foetus within her. I looked up at Ron with tears streaming down my face. As soon as our eyes met he apparated and was gone.

"Hermione no. Please! NO!" I cried hard and placed my forehead on hers and allowed my tears to drop onto her now pale face. I kissed her forehead and apparated.


:( I feel bad for Harry!

Love NR Xxxxxx

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