Chapter Three - Preparations and A Chance Encounter

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     Being forced to sleep out with the horses was apparent the part of the prince's upcoming visit. Of course it was still horrible, horses smell and there is no protection from the cold. Asa was quite sure all his clothing was completely saturated with the smell at this point, and he had to stay in his fox form just to keep warm enough to survive the early spring snow. None that compared to the complete terror he faced every time he entered the manor though.

     On top of his normal jobs, Asa had become a personal attendant for sister Angelica. Even with his hands still healing from their burns, and his back from lashes that followed, Asa was expected to attendant to his pseudo sister's whims 24 hours a day. There was only a day left till the prince reached their little village after all, of course she need help getting ready. Only, Asa had been given to her a week ago, so it was more punishment on the part of the Barron then anything else.

     "He may have asked to see all the unmated omegas," the Barron had said, "But clearly the gods sent him for my Angelica! She must be fully prepared to go."

     Asa thought they were delusional, what god would curse a crown prince to be Angelica's mate? He didn't mention that to them but he honestly wished he had.

     He shook he head as he returned to helping Angelica prepare for bed. If he wanted to escape her insanity tonight then he had to work faster. With careful hands he scrubbed the bubbling shampoo into her long golden curls. The smell of roses coming off it was strong, stinging his nose almost as badly as it stung his burns. How she could stand smelling like this was a mystery.

     "Not so hard!" Angelica cried, and Asa stopped scrubbing.

     "Sorry sister." He wasn't.

      Angelica huffed, growling at Asa as he stood. He tilted his neck, offering his submission in an attempt to placate her. It didn't work, and before Asa had the chance to move she picked up the metal pitcher he had used to wet her hair. She throw it at him, and cackled as it hit it's mark - his jaw. Asa cried out, clutching his jaw as tears welled in his eyes.

     "Pick it up," she commanded, "Finish my hair." Asa whimpered, but did as he was told. He rinsed the shampoo from her hair, careful not to let the run off get into her eyes. It wasn't enough though, and as he placed the pitcher down she snatched it back.

     "Sister please -" Asa begin, but Angelica wouldn't have it. Standing from the tub, she swung the pitcher down so that it hit him in the eye. He cried out as stars swarmed his vison. It didn't stop her. Angelica rained down hit after hit with the pitcher, taking special care to hit his visable skin. So she can see the marks she leaves, he thought as she landed a particularly vivious one on the bridge of his nose. He whined as the blood began to flow. He kept his neck bared through the pain, trying to convince her to stop.

     Finally, finally she stopped the beating. The young woman stepped over him, moving to pull on her silk robes. Asa remained on the floor, staring at the feet of her tub with blurred vision. Silent tears ran down his cheeks, and the blood began to congeal in his nose. He wanted to stand up, beg her to just beat him until the pain ended, yet he couldn't even bring himself to sit up.

     Why did this have to be his life? What had he done to deserve this?

     "Stand you stupid fox," Angelica demanded, "You still have things to do." Asa whimpered, but did as he was told. Vomit threatened to come up, but he swallowed it down. "Get my dress out from the wardrobe," she said, "The green empire waist, it needs to be laid out for tomorrow." She grinned, her sharp canines bared in a predatory way. "If you get a drop of blood on it..." She let her threat trail off, and Asa nearly shifted there and then to hide.

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